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I just found out about VNC last week, and I'm trying to figure out how
to set up my home system so that I can access it from work.  I've
played around with it a bit at work, and it's pretty impressive, but
I'm stumped about how to reach my home system, hidden behind an NAT.
Seems that it ought to be possible, but that's about as far as I've

I have dug through the archives, but I must confess that I didn't
understand a lot of what I saw there, especially concerning using VNC
with NAT.  The entries on NAT and VNC were all over a year old, too,
so I'm hoping that there has been some additional progress made on
that front.  I have tried reading up on NAT, but I must confess that I
didn't understand a lot of what I read on that subject, either.

The work system is behind a firewall.  My home computer is on a DLink
802.11b router, with an internal (192.168.0.x) address that can be
either dynamically assigned by the router, or manually assigned on a
router setup page.  The DLink has a setup for something called a
virtual server, with a list of internal IP addresses in the
192.168.0.x range next to dropdown boxes labelled "service" with the


I gather that I may need to set up something like SSH, but I'm at a
loss at how to proceed.  I definitely want to be the *only* person
with access.  For starters, what other information is required before
I can approach this problem?

I would like to be able to surf over to my home system, then fire up
my newsreader & access mail and news.  I can get to mail at work using
the web interface, but it's hokey.  I can get to new, but only through
Google groups, which is also hokey.

(My background: I spent several years as a programmer, but I'm not
real internet-saavy.  I now work as an insurance agent who gets tapped
for occasional network maintenance at the agency when I can't avoid
it, and I'm trying to learn how to do websites for my own use.)

Howard Lee Harkness
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