It sounds like there is definitely something in there blocking your access.
I'd double-check that the windows firewall is entirely disabled, first off.
Other than that, I'm at a loss here... Good luck!

-----Original Message-----
From: ketki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 8:20 PM
Subject: vnc viewer on XP errors

 I have a home network setup. with a windows 2000 desktop and
a windows XP laptop connected through a netgear router. the laptop
has wireless connection to the router.
  I have VNC server running at my work. and the tightVNC viewer 
running on desktop is able to connect fine, but the laptop
is viewer is giving me error "Failed to connect to server" .
The laptop is able to ping the work machine, I have disabled the 
windows XP firewall, and norton anti virus on the laptop is also
disabled. ( i couldn't find a way to add port 80 in the allow options)
as described in FAQ. Does anyone know how to do it on XP ?

when i try to telnet to work machine port 5900 from laptop, it tells
me "could not open connection to the host on port 5900"
  obviously looks like something is blocking my connection from
laptop to the work machine. 

Any ideas ? suggestions ?
  I am bed ridden for few weeks, and only way for me to be able to work
is using laptop to connect to work. I really need to fix this issue 
to save my job.

appreciate all suggestions.
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