i've been running real vnc current free windows version on winme server from
two xp laptops without problem until the other day.

now one laptop gets the subject disconnect error message; the other one seems
to still work fine.  i did not make any changes to either laptop before the
problem arose with the one, and i have re-installed realvnc server-viewer on
the one with problems as well as on the winme desktop server.

on a typical series, i can connect with the problem computer and see remote
desktop, but then instead of pointer, i just get the small square black button
that i can move but not click.  if i close real vnc server and re-login, i may
get the remote desktop with pointer for a few seconds and can sometimes click
and operate a remote file, but then it freezes and if left alone i get the
10054 error message.

i did receive a couple of spam emails on the desktop server that mcafee anti
virus said had trojans and were auto cleansed before the problem was noticed,
but again, the other realvnc laptop server seems to still work fine.

any suggestions on what to look for?
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