Tried the following after telnet into server system & doing
su -root

# /usr/local/bin/vncserver

New 'ultra10:1 ()' desktop is ultra10:1

Starting applications specified in //.vnc/xstartup
Log file is //.vnc/ultra10:1.log

# ps -a
  1141 pts/1    0:00 vncconfi
  1120 pts/1    0:00 sh
  1052          0:00 <defunct>
  1126 pts/1    0:00 sh
  1142 pts/1    0:00 xterm
  1145 pts/1    0:00 twm
  1135 pts/1    0:00 Xvnc
  1149 pts/1    0:00 ps
  1011          0:00 <defunct>

Everything is still running at this point, and I am still in as root

# ps -a
  1141 pts/1    0:00 vncconfi
  1120 pts/1    0:00 sh
  1052          0:00 <defunct>
  1150 pts/1    0:00 ps
  1142 pts/1    0:00 xterm
  1145 pts/1    0:00 twm
  1135 pts/1    0:00 Xvnc
  1011          0:00 <defunct>
# exit

Back as original telnet 'login' user

$ ps -A
     0 ?        0:00 sched
     1 ?        0:00 init
     2 ?        0:00 pageout
     3 ?        2:50 fsflush
   266 ?        0:00 sac
   228 ?        0:00 utmpd
   119 ?        0:00 in.route
   125 ?        0:00 rpcbind
   127 ?        0:00 keyserv
   163 ?        0:00 lockd
   164 ?        0:00 inetd
   165 ?        0:00 statd
   171 ?        0:00 automoun
   207 ?        0:00 lpsched
   180 ?        0:00 syslogd
   202 ?        0:00 nscd
  1141 pts/1    0:00 vncconfi
   220 ?        0:00 powerd
   186 ?        0:00 cron
   268 console  0:00 ttymon
   235 ?        0:00 vold
   282 ?        0:00 mibiisa
   272 ?        0:00 ttymon
   281 ?        0:01 Xsun
   285 ?        0:00 fbconsol
   253 ?        0:00 snmpdx
  1092 ?        0:00 in.telne
   260 ?        0:00 dmispd
   262 ?        0:00 snmpXdmi
   297 ?        0:00 dtgreet
   283 ?        0:00 dtlogin
   271 ?        0:00 dtlogin
  1151 pts/1    0:00 ps
   298 ?        0:00 sendmail
  1052          0:00 <defunct>
   330 ?        0:00 rpc.ttdb
  1142 pts/1    0:00 xterm
  1045 ?        0:01 dtwm
  1010 ?        0:00 ttsessio
  1145 pts/1    0:00 twm
  1143 pts/2    0:00 sh
  1051 ?        0:00 ttsessio
  1135 pts/1    0:00 Xvnc
  1011          0:00 <defunct>
  1094 pts/1    0:00 sh
  1004 ?        0:01 dtwm

Server is up and running with no problems. VNC client attaches and you see vncconfig and an xterm (std config).

Exit out of initial telnet session entirely, and while grey desktop & 'X' cursor remains, xterm and any other apps 'disapper'.

Logging back in w/ telent you see the following

Last login: Fri Apr 29 14:00:34 from
Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.7       Generic October 1998
$ ps -A
     0 ?        0:00 sched
     1 ?        0:00 init
     2 ?        0:00 pageout
     3 ?        2:50 fsflush
   266 ?        0:00 sac
   228 ?        0:00 utmpd
   119 ?        0:00 in.route
   125 ?        0:00 rpcbind
   127 ?        0:00 keyserv
   163 ?        0:00 lockd
   164 ?        0:00 inetd
   165 ?        0:00 statd
   171 ?        0:00 automoun
   207 ?        0:00 lpsched
   180 ?        0:00 syslogd
   202 ?        0:00 nscd
   220 ?        0:00 powerd
   186 ?        0:00 cron
   268 console  0:00 ttymon
   235 ?        0:00 vold
   282 ?        0:00 mibiisa
   272 ?        0:00 ttymon
   281 ?        0:01 Xsun
   285 ?        0:00 fbconsol
   253 ?        0:00 snmpdx
  1154 pts/1    0:00 sh
   260 ?        0:00 dmispd
   262 ?        0:00 snmpXdmi
   297 ?        0:00 dtgreet
   283 ?        0:00 dtlogin
   271 ?        0:00 dtlogin
   298 ?        0:00 sendmail
  1052          0:00 <defunct>
   330 ?        0:00 rpc.ttdb
  1045 ?        0:01 dtwm
  1010 ?        0:00 ttsessio
  1152 ?        0:00 in.telne
  1051 ?        0:00 ttsessio
  1135 ?        0:01 Xvnc
  1011          0:00 <defunct>
  1160 pts/1    0:00 ps
  1004 ?        0:01 dtwm

As suspected, the Xvnc server is there, but vxcconfig and the xterm which had both been started in the Xvnc server session are missing.

The question is why?

I do not need ssh for this system as it is already behind a full firewall, and my "viewing" of it is also contained completely behind the firewall ( mostly, it is for testing and sits in a back room unattended). I am mimicing a setup at a remote site, and when viewing the remote location ( for real 'work') I will be going through a VPN.

On Apr 29, 2005, at 1:09 PM, Sean Kamath wrote:

I have a vague recollection of process leader problems with telnet (I too use SSH, as it is the only reasonable way to go these days. ;-)).

Try this:

<prompt> $SHELL
<prompt> vncserver
<prompt> exit
<prompt> ps -ef | grep Xvnc
<prompt> ptree <Xvnc-pid>

Make sure that Xvnc has all the appropriate processes running. ;-)


[In a message on Fri, 29 Apr 2005 08:54:54 EDT,
  John Aldrich wrote:]
That's strange... On my linux box, I can log out of all SSH sessions (I
don't "do" telnet for security reasons!) and my server stays up and running.
It almost sounds like the X session is checking to make sure the user who
started the session is still logged in and is using their defaults, but when
the user logs out, it doesn't know what window manager to use.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dr Robert Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 8:24 AM
Subject: VNC connection lost when initiating telnet session quits

Let's say I start the vncserver from an initial telnet session.

Using the VNC server for Solaris 7, the same session "stays" open when
I start/stop the VNC client. So far it behaves as expected.

However, if I exit the telnet session which started the server,  all
the desktop apps "disappear" and I have a grey backdrop. If I then
"kill" the server, the client says the server connection has been

I have tried "nohup vncserver &" with the same results, and started the
window manager /xterm in xstartup using nohup ---& as well with the
same results. .

Any ideas? I have a nagging feeling I have seen something like this
before 10-15 yrs ago, but memory fails.
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