?? ? wrote:

Is it possible to make the vnc as a standard service in linux?
My idea is :
1.as the system booting ,"vnc service" start up like other standard service such as ssh,sendmail, 2.before a request comes ,the "vnc service" does not start any Xvnc servers ,but only listens to a port (for example: 5900)
3.at the client side ,do :
 $  vncviewer xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -user username
4. the server side get the user name ,and start an Xvnc server for the user,

There are various ways to do that. Several distributions have their own way to implement something like that. See RedHat, Fedora and SuSE (and possibly others).

In the end, the inetd-approach comes most close to what you like: it starts Xvnc in system space (not user-space) just as an other Xserver (just like Xorg or Xfree)

In the past I pointed frequently to a page on sourcecodecorner dot com. This site has gone down and spits windows and maybe even viri.

On http://www.realvnc.com/ are some hints and tips to setup the inetd way and maybe even in the mail archives.

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