Alan A. Dunwell wrote:
Howdy List Folks,

I'm running a RHEL3.x linux box and routing the Xvnc through xinetd, RedHat's version of inetd. This all works well for access with a VNC viewer. I have been unable to discover any process for defining a similar setup that will allow access from any browser using the JAVA script plugin. Perhaps I have just missed it somewhere in the various documentation sites.

- Is this possible?

Yes, I've done it.

- Is this already implemented somehow by my running Xvnc and I just don't know how to access it? If so please advise.

The vnc-webserver is just serving the *.vnc files as html files with some variables filled out. Carefully read this html-source and the source you get in your vncsession-browser. Now you can fill out the 'variables' that are used and create genuine html-files out of these files and feed them to a webserver on the same machine. If there is no webserver running on the machine, use a static vnc-session for the job: just leave the files with their origionals in the same directory. If "http://vncserver.5900/"; is then the other 'servers' are at "http://vncserver:5900/filename.html";.

Detail: you cannot use a webserver on an other machine due to security restrictions in java. However, you can always create a page on any server that refreshes itself to the preferred page.

- Is this a separate process that needs to be implemented? If so, any direction to information/documentation appreciated.


Alan D.

You forgot to ask: "Is it worth the hussle?".

Here I can answer "NO". One (dis-)advantage of the inetd approach is that the session is killed as soon as the connection is lost. If the browser moves to an other page (or even a page-refresh!), the connection is lost and hence the session is killed.


!Reply to: ! Alan A. Dunwell
! JILA Software Manager
! JILA - CB440
! Univ. of Colorado, Boulder,Co. 80309
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