Rabinowitz, Ethan wrote:
The perfect setting for the computer I use the viewer on is 1280 x 960, but
the only video settings when using my viewer comp, are the settings for the
server comp (which does not have 1280x960 as an option).

Are there any plans for the viewer to be able to display via setting on the
viewer comp, that are not available on the server comp?

Well, the nature of VNC is that the server-side provides a (static) resolution. Where VNC provides a view at the console (all M$Windows, some linux) there the setting of the console also sets the vnc-server-side. As far as I know, the vnc-server will reset if the console-geometry changes so the viewer must also be restarted. On most unix and linux implementations, the resolution is set at startup and cannot be changed on the fly.

The vncviewer only shows what the server offers and unfortunatly, once the server resets, the viewer must also be restarted. So, no there is no easy way to change the resolution on the fly.

On the viewer-side, there are 2 ways to change the display geometry (or better said: viewport size): By default the view just is clipped around the edges, scrollbars are provided to change the viewport. There are viewers that can reduce the view by interleaving: the resolution of the same picture is changed just as your picture viewer will resize.

So yes, vnc can change size, both on server as on client side. However, not the way you like it...

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