[In a message on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 21:05:35 -0300,
  Fernando Sfeir wrote:]
>Jerry Westrick wrote:
>>The way I do it is a little diferent, but IMHO better.
>>as root Edit /etc/ssh/ssh_config
>>Add following lines:
>>Host Some.Where.In.Internet
>>   Port 99999
>This is exactly that i need. Thank you so much, and, obiusly, to any 
>that take care (and time) to reply this question.
>Work perfectly!!!


No, don't tell people to do this.  I realize that everyone thinks
linux is a single-user environment, but it's not, and the last thing
the world needs is someone to read this and think this is the right
way to do it.  You'll change it for everyone, for every host.  bad bad

That's what ~/.ssh/config is for. Even the manual page for ssh_config
says that this is the per user configuration file.  

And, with the config file, you can specify settings for just a single
host (or, you can have multiple settings for the same host).


# everything up to the first 'host' line is
# global
Protocol 2

#cmd "ssh foo" goes to bar
host foo
 hostname bar.domain.name

#cmd "ssh bar" turns on compression
host bar
 compression yes

# Use non-startardport name
host funky-host-non-standardport
 hostname ip_or_FQDN
 compression yes
 port 99999

# Just do everything
host host-vnc
 hostname host
 user my-remote-username
 compression yes
 port 99999
 localforward 5900 otherhost:5900


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