Okay Karim...

Beware: you are "hung" up on the word "reverse".
You are assuming it's meaning, but there are 2 "reverse"s here,
and you should only be using one.  Often you use the wrong one!

Because of this you are getting a lot of conflicting answers on this list.

Now that I got your attention:

I assume I know what you want, namely:

   You are trying to do is a "VNCServer add client" on your WorkPc,
   to connect to a "vncviewer in listen mode" on your home pc.

This is often called a "reverse" vnc connection.  
It has nothing to do with an SSH "reverse" tunnel.  

If this is not what you want to do, delete the rest of the email now!

If you get this far then my assumptions are right.

The way you do this is as follows:

1) on homepc start your vncviewer in listen mode.
2) send your email that kicks off the "reverse connect script" on your workpc.
3) the "reverse connect script" then starts ssh connection to home-pc, with 
parameters "-L 5501:".
4) the "reverse connect script" then does "add client" to connect to vncviewer 
   at home with command "vncserver -connect"

And you can work from home!

I assume that you can only ssh out of the  office, and that is why you are 
doing things this way.  It would have been a lot easier if you can ssh into
the office from home.

P.S. Hope I got it right!
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