
I'm having a problem with a RealVNC(Server) under Windows XP. My computer is
In company domain. The domain contains close to 200 computers connected and
only In my computer there are problems. I tried almost everything from
changing my Network card to reinstalling a system. All looks like I'm able
to do a one-way traffic on my computer.  I can Access All the computers In
the domain and connect to them by VNC by using their Network-name,copy the
files from Exchange folders and so on, I can also Access easily by VNC
computers outside  the company domain(of course if they aren't behind a
bloking firewall ;)). On the other site however people outside a company
domain cannot access my computer(no login window-just error window) and from
most of the time they cannot access my computer by vnc.People in the domain
most of the time cannot acces my exchange folder as well. Any ideas enyone?

Edward Ptaszyqski

Serwisant komputerowy

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