I'll reply to the list since it seems of general interest.  My company makes C4 Softswitches but I'll stick with general recommendations.

Common commercial manufacturers include ourselves, GenBand, Sonus, Oracle, Switchray (aka Mera), Kamalio, Cataleya and others.  Most of these will cover your short list of requirement.

However you may also look for other relatively important features since your Softswitch investment will last a long time and your network requirements can change.  Common other features to look at or plan for include:

1.    Access/Subscriber side SBC functions for hosted C4/PBXs like Broadsoft.
2.    DOS/DDOS detection and mitigation.
3.    Fault tolerance or HA operation (ie, stateful switchovers).
4.    LCR and/or billing applications to control off net routing. (another whole world of features exist on this subject)
5.    TLS/SRTP support. 
6.    Good monitoring applications for performance alerts and troubleshooting.
7.    Transcoding support.
8.    VM deployment options.

The debate about the value of open source is ongoing and subject to change.  Alex addressed this subject well but it is worth noting that some large carriers are embracing open source solutions so that they can modify the functionality themselves.  Alternatively many small carrier select open source so they can save money on capex costs although this will normally lead to higher opex costs for management.

On the subject of OS I would recommend staying with Linux and avoid a Microsoft solution.  The real time nature of media handling seems to be problematic for Windows although potentially the Intel DPDK technology may mitigate some of these problems.

Best regards,


On 6/20/2015 11:21 AM, Ryan Finnesey wrote:
I also need to select a softwitch shortly.   I can  understand why some may   reply off list but if you would not mind posting a summary it would be much appreciated.

Sent from my Windows Phone

From: Greg Lipschitz
Sent: ‎6/‎20/‎2015 2:40 AM
To: voiceops@voiceops.org
Subject: [VoiceOps] Which Softswitch?

Hi All,

We are in the process of going down the path of deploying our own Softswitch infrastructure to transition away from purchasing from SIP Trunk providers and moving to getting CTS direct from VoIP Carriers.

There seems to be a lot of solutions out on the market and weeding out the "Built on Asterisk" / "Built on Freeswitch" with little or no support vs Commercial Supported solutions is proving to be difficult.

There are the "leaders" (or strong marketing companies) such as Broadsoft & Metaswitch - but what I am trying to uncover is what else is great out there that may not have the exposure but is worth looking at.

What we are looking for...

1. Class 4 Softswitch
2. Geographical Redundancy (Active - Active)
3. Preferably not built on Freeswitch or Asterisk (Not saying they're bad just tired of OpenSource for Core products)
4. Must have commercial support available (preferably during Australian hours)
5. Windows or Linux doesn't phase us - we have skill set on both platforms.

Happy to hear the good, the bad, the ugly, the war stories so that we can get some real world feedback on what's out there, what works, what doesn't and hopefully not make the same mistakes that others have already made.

Offlist replies are perfectly fine if you don't wish to discuss on-list.

Thanks in advance and enjoy the rest of your weekend! :)



Greg Lipschitz | Director | The Summit Group
E: g...@thesummitgroup.com.au  W: www.thesummitgroup.com.au
The Summit Group (Australia) Pty Ltd | P: 1300 049 749 | Level 1, 39 Railway Road, Blackburn  VIC  3130
The Summit Group (USA) LLC | P: 321 216 3844 | Suite 561, 40E Main Street, Newmark  DE 19711
Postal:      P.O. Box 3225, Doncaster East  VIC  3109

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