I live 15 minutes outside my local city limits and I'm only 45 minutes from downtown Nashville. My only internet option is satellite. I pay $160 a month for a service that isn't as good as the $30 DSL service I used to have when I lived inside the city limits. That may be because I'm served by an AT&T remote office rather than the ILEC that services the areas at both ends of my street. You'd think cell service and wireless service would be better because I'm only a mile from the closest cell tower. That's not the case however. Interestingly enough no on seems to claim that tower - they all tell me I'm not in a good service area because the tower is so far away. Go figure.....so if you ask me, the people with 20-80 acres probably aren't getting much of anything because the people with an average of 5 or less acres aren't even getting decent service!

My guess is it's probably going into someone's slush fund because its NOT going into providing decent service!

BackUP Telecom Consulting
Office: 615-791-9969
Cell: 615-796-1111

On 2020-08-23 01:18 PM, Carlos Alvarez wrote:
I'd never really looked at the trend, but wow, it's gone up 5x in 20
years.  I suppose this correlates with bringing out morre rural
internet services?  In the last few years, in nearby Prescott, I've
been seeing signs and ads for 100M+ service to the middle of nowhere.
Places where each house has 20-80 acres.  Must be paid by this, I


On Sat, Aug 22, 2020 at 12:57 PM Collin Anderson
<col...@averysmallbird.com> wrote:

USAC sets the contribution factor based on the needs of the USF
programs. There's a few articles out there about how market changes
-- e.g. decrease revenues -- have increased the rate. But these
changes and their justifications are public records:


On Sat, Aug 22, 2020 at 10:24 AM Carlos Alvarez
<caalva...@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm curious how this gets decided and changed.  Is it the FCC acting
on its own?  Pushed by legislators or the white house?  Does anyone
have a say in it?

On Sat, Aug 22, 2020 at 7:20 AM Mike Hammett <voice...@ics-il.net>

Slushfund out of the taxpayer's eyes.

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions

Midwest Internet Exchange


From: "Peter Beckman" <beck...@angryox.com>
To: "VoiceOps" <voiceops@voiceops.org>
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2020 10:15:54 PM
Subject: [VoiceOps] FUSF is 26.5% for Q3 2020: Discuss

Holy Crap. Reviewing my bills for July -- FUSF jumped from 19.6% to
26.5% !!!
For Q3 2020.

1Q 2009 was 9.5%.

How much is being collected and what actually is this money going
And WHY do they need such a high percentage?!?

Discuss. (Or yell at me that this isn't the place, I couldn't find a

Peter Beckman
Internet Guy

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Collin David Anderson
averysmallbird.com [1] | @cda | Washington, D.C.

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