As promised in my last e-mail, here's information on the Re-Assigned Number Database that EVERY voice carrier MUST register for and REPORT their disconnected phone numbers in. If you have less than 100,000 subscribers you are NOT EXEMPT - you only have until OCTOBER 15, 2021 to register AND start reporting!

What is the RND Database?

The FCC's Reassigned Numbers Database (RND) is designed to prevent a consumer from getting unwanted calls intended for someone who previously held their phone number. Callers can use the database to determine whether a telephone number may have been reassigned so they can avoid calling consumers who do not want to receive the calls

What are the requirements for Service Providers?

Record-keeping requirement: As of July 27, 2020, service providers are required to maintain records of the most recent date that each phone number assigned to one of their subscribers was permanently disconnected. Small business service providers (those providers with 100,000 or fewer domestic retail subscribers) had until January 27, 2021, to comply with the record maintenance rule.

Aging requirement: As of July 27, 2020, all service providers are required to age telephone numbers for at least 45 days after permanent disconnection prior to reassignment.

Reporting requirement: As of April 15, 2021, and recurring on the 15th of every month, service providers must report permanent disconnections of their subscribers' telephone numbers to the Reassigned Numbers Database Administrator (RNDA). Small business service providers (those service providers with 100,000 or fewer domestic retail subscribers) have until October 15, 2021, to comply with this reporting requirement.

Please make sure you sign up and start reporting!

BackUP Telecom Consulting
Office: 615-791-9969
Cell: 615-796-1111
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