BW Status Page is showing 100% operational now. Our monitoring confirms
their supposition.

        Monitoring - Bandwidth teams have seen overall network stability with
        expected traffic behavior. We will continue to monitor the network.

        Sep 25, 19:29 EDT

On Sat, 25 Sep 2021, Peter Beckman via VoiceOps wrote:

Another Update

   Update - Bandwidth continues to see portal and network improvements. At
   this time, 911 & messaging traffic is processing as expected. We
   continue to work to resolve other impacted services.

        Sep 25, 19:07 EDT

The Status Page ( ) is reporting that Inbound
and Outbound is still entirely down. Our tests show that Inbound and
Outbound are functioning, as is SMS messaging and the API.

On Sat, 25 Sep 2021, Peter Beckman via VoiceOps wrote:

According to BW TAC it was a DDoS.

The outages list posted this:

   Bandwidth is currently experiencing a DDoS attack which is
   intermittently impacting our network. Our network operations and
   engineering teams are actively engaged in critical efforts to protect
   our network and fully restore all services as rapidly as possible.

On Sat, 25 Sep 2021, Peter Beckman wrote:

Our measurement of the outage was 3pm to 5:47pm US EDT, 2h 47m outage.
   19:00 to 21:47 UTC

We haven't completely determined whether or not this was a full or partial
outage, as we still saw some calls come in, but termination had issues as
did SMS delivery for a portion of the outage period.

Latest BW Update

   Update - Bandwidth continues to see portal and network improvements. At
   this time, messaging traffic is processing as expected. We continue to
   work to resolve other impacted services.

        Sep 25, 18:42 EDT

On Sat, 25 Sep 2021, Peter Beckman via VoiceOps wrote:

Looks like things are recovering.

Our monitoring showed recovery around 21:47 to 21:52 UTC, about 30 minutes

Latest Update

Identified - Bandwidth has identified the cause of this incident and is
        observing improved network and portal behavior.

        Sep 25, 18:18 EDT

All of my alarms have cleared, SMS messages are coming in reliably, Inbound
and Outbound calling seem restored in our tests.


On Sat, 25 Sep 2021, Peter Beckman wrote:

Spoke too soon, Inbound SBCs are now timing out again as of 20:45:38 UTC.
Monitoring these two IPs


On Sat, 25 Sep 2021, Peter Beckman wrote:

Another Update

        Update - Bandwidth teams continue to investigate Voice and Messaging
        Failures. 911 calls are experiencing failures.

Customers may also experience portal and portal API time-outs, slowness, or

        All teams are working towards a resolution at this time.

        Sep 25, 16:34 EDT

Our monitoring cleared our Inbound SBCs as of 20:34:24 UTC (4:34:24pm EDT) as they are now responding at an acceptable rate. I just tested outbound and got a call through to a Verizon Mobile, though the PDD was about 5-6

Inbound seems to be working, albeit a bit slower than expected.

Seems like we're on the path to full recovery.


On Sat, 25 Sep 2021, Peter Beckman wrote:

After a long silence, no updates other than "we're working on it."

Update - Bandwidth teams continue to investigate Voice and Messaging Failures.

        At this time, 911 calls are not impacted.

Customers may also experience portal and portal API time-outs, slowness, or unresponsiveness.

        All teams are working towards a resolution at this time.

        Sep 25, 16:22 EDT

We are still seeing some calls get through. SMS traffic is being delivered faster and we have not seen any missed SMS messages. Worst SMS delay was 9m 37s. Last 5 tests in the last 50 minutes were all under 21 seconds, 3 of 5
were under 2 seconds.

About half of our calls getting through are Canada DIDs.


On Sat, 25 Sep 2021, Peter Beckman via VoiceOps wrote:

As of 3:31pm EDT Bandwidth has acknowledged the issue:

Investigating - Bandwidth is investigating an incident impacting Voice and Messaging Services. Calls and Messages may experience unexpected
   failures. All teams are actively engaged.

        Sep 25, 15:31 EDT

I will update here as I get updates.

Outbound calls still failing with timeouts, Inbound calls failing, SMS
messages are delayed, the delay now up to 8 minutes.

On Sat, 25 Sep 2021, Peter Beckman via VoiceOps wrote:

We began detecting issues with Bandwidth Inbound and Outbound Voice and SMS starting at 19:00:38 UTC (3pm US Eastern Time). A TAC rep has acknowledged issues are detected but their status page as of yet has not been updated.

I'm seeing outbound calls time out, inbound calls to BW DIDs receive a "call cannot be completed" error on Verizon, and our SMS tests every 10 minutes that usually complete in under 2 seconds are taking 15 seconds to
3.65 minutes to reach us.

Hope they find the culprit and get it fixed quickly!

As of 3:27:45pm EDT their status page shows zero incidents
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