I would agree, but modify this advice to read: “TCP or TLS to the edge for 
end-users, then step down to UDP with big MTUs inside the service provider 

Sent from mobile, with due apologies for brevity and errors.

> On Oct 8, 2021, at 8:25 AM, Tim Bray via VoiceOps <voiceops@voiceops.org> 
> wrote:
> UDP fragments have been a problem for years.
> mitigations historically have been to turn off spare codecs.  On snom phones, 
> turn off fancy features.
> Tbh, the only really modern mitigation is just to use SIP over TLS and taking 
> UDP out of the mix for everything except media.
> Tim
> On 07/10/2021 23:34, Jared Geiger wrote:
>> Cloudflare made another blog post about what kinds of traffic they are 
>> seeing. https://blog.cloudflare.com/update-on-voip-attacks/
>> One problem is if Cloudflare drops UDP fragments, that could cause some 
>> calls to fail and others not to. Especially now with SHAKEN/STIR certs in 
>> the headers and people putting every codec known to man on the INVITEs. 
>> Verizon specifically mentioned UDP fragments in the email notice before they 
>> put S/S on TF Inbound. So cloudflare magic transit isn't necessarily the 
>> easy button for protecting VoIP traffic but it would definitely help keep a 
>> network alive and processing calls during an attack.
>> On Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 6:24 AM Mike Hammett <voice...@ics-il.net> wrote:
>>> For those that don't know what BGPlay is...
>>> https://stat.ripe.net/widget/bgplay#w.ignoreReannouncements=false&w.resource=,1,2,5,6,7,10,11,13,14,15,16,18,20&w.instant=null&w.type=bgp
>>> -----
>>> Mike Hammett
>>> Intelligent Computing Solutions
>>> http://www.ics-il.com
>>> Midwest Internet Exchange
>>> http://www.midwest-ix.com
>>> From: "Joseph Jackson" <jjack...@aninetworks.net>
>>> To: "Mike Hammett" <voice...@ics-il.net>
>>> Cc: "Tim Bray" <t...@kooky.org>, voiceops@voiceops.org
>>> Sent: Saturday, October 2, 2021 11:20:26 AM
>>> Subject: RE: [VoiceOps] VoIP Provider DDoSes
>>> Is now.  If you look at their BGP announcements over the last week using 
>>> something like bgplay you can see them move all their prefixes behind 
>>> cloudflare.
>>> From: Mike Hammett [mailto:voice...@ics-il.net] 
>>> Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2021 10:30 AM
>>> To: Joseph Jackson
>>> Cc: Tim Bray; voiceops@voiceops.org
>>> Subject: Re: [VoiceOps] VoIP Provider DDoSes
>>> Has been or is now?
>>> -----
>>> Mike Hammett
>>> Intelligent Computing Solutions
>>> http://www.ics-il.com
>>> Midwest Internet Exchange
>>> http://www.midwest-ix.com
>>> From: "Joseph Jackson" <jjack...@aninetworks.net>
>>> To: "Tim Bray" <t...@kooky.org>, voiceops@voiceops.org
>>> Sent: Saturday, October 2, 2021 9:43:23 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [VoiceOps] VoIP Provider DDoSes
>>> Bandwidth.com is using cloudflares magic transit for DDOS protection.  
>>> Seems to be working ok.  CF says it doesn’t matter the protocol they can 
>>> scrub the traffic.
>>> From: VoiceOps [mailto:voiceops-boun...@voiceops.org] On Behalf Of Tim Bray 
>>> via VoiceOps
>>> Sent: Friday, October 01, 2021 9:34 AM
>>> To: voiceops@voiceops.org
>>> Subject: Re: [VoiceOps] VoIP Provider DDoSes
>>> On 26/09/2021 21:54, Mike Hammett wrote:
>>> Are your garden variety DDoS mitigation platforms or services equipped to 
>>> handle DDoSes of VoIP services? What nuances does one have to be cognizant 
>>> of? A WAF doesn't mean much to SIP, IAX2, RTP, etc.
>>> Without saying too much:
>>> Seems to be a spate of DDOS against UK based voip providers at the moment.  
>>>  For ransom.  Don't pay.
>>> One provider said that traditional approaches did not work.   They tried 
>>> Voxility but just got false positives.    There are providers that do work. 
>>> But in the UK a lot of traffic goes over peers through internet exchanges.  
>>> So just swapping transit only half the problem.
>>> Prep wise:
>>> So practice altering your IP advertisements, dropping and bringing up 
>>> peers.  If you connect to route servers, practice doing selective 
>>> announcements.  Try to get private interconnects to your upstream telco 
>>> providers.    Get your network teams warmed up for when it does happen.    
>>> If you host with a cloud provider, have a backup because if DDOS is coming 
>>> from the same cloud .....
>>> Tim
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