That's probably a limitation on the Cloudflare side and not Telnyx
themselves choosing specific IPs over ranges.

- Heath

On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 9:50 AM Carlos Alvarez <> wrote:

> We're just barely trying them out, mostly for SMS.  Prices seem pretty
> high compared to our other providers so it's really just a convenience/test
> at this point.  But this was interesting:
> Dear customer,
> Telnyx has reason to believe that will be targeted in a
> subsequent DDoS attack tomorrow (Monday the 15th of Nov). During attacks,
> it is likely we will block traffic from non-trusted sources.
> To help achieve this Telnyx has proactively created a list of trusted IPs
> using customer authentication IPs, successful registrations, and historical
> traffic. However, we strongly encourage all customers to check their
> records and add any IP that they may be using, to their Access Control IP
> List as per the following instructions:
> <>
> Thank you for your understanding,
> The Telnyx Team
> Thing is though, they don't seem to let you whitelist a subnet or range.
> Entering a couple dozen IPs is not great.
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