On Mon, 21 Mar 2022, Oren Yehezkely wrote:

I will be curious if you can really find one.

But as an FYI GV numbers are Bandwidth numbers. Maybe they can help?

 If the number is with BW, and GV never dropped it when the fraudulent
 subscriber disconnected it, and recycled it to someone else, BW would have
 no record.

 BW generally won't tell me squat about any other phone number. Even though
 that is inconvenient, I appreciate the privacy.

 Thanks Oren!

On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 5:15 PM Peter Beckman <beck...@angryox.com> wrote:

I'm tracking a GV number that was used a while back for fraudulent purposes
with our service.

The number came up again, and while I don't need to know the subscriber
details, I do need to confirm with Google Voice that the number has been or
has not been recycled and re-assigned during a certain time period.

Any contacts at GV? Email me directly or post here.

Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
beck...@angryox.com                                https://www.angryox.com/
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