Looking for a wholesale (or any really) vendor who offers Brazil numbers
with SMS, either inbound-only or inbound and outbound, for individual (P2P)
purposes, and delivers incoming calls via SIP.

 - DIDWW offers Brazil DIDs, but no SMS.
 - Bandwidth/Voxbone offers Brazil DIDs, but no SMS.
 - DIDlogic offers Brazil, no SMS it looks like, plus $250/month minimum
 - Twilio offers Brazil but no SMS.

There seems to be a bunch of B2C or B2B companies offering Brazil Mobile
Virtual Numbers with SMS, but none in the wholesale circles I'm aware of.

I appreciate any leads or suggestions or recommendations (or education on
why this is hard to find!).

Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
beck...@angryox.com                                https://www.angryox.com/
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