On Tue, Mar 21, 2023 at 11:55 AM Mike Hammett via VoiceOps <
voiceops@voiceops.org> wrote:

> Are you setting up 911 records for all numbers assigned to customers or
> just ones that would be dialing out?
> We pull customer numbers all of the time that served no original purpose
> other than for a legacy operator that needed to put a phone number on every
> line a customer had. We keep them because people likely saved those
> ancillary numbers in their contact lists, and it's just easier to port it
> than to fight "Billy can't reach me because he saved an old number that YOU
> canceled" tickets. However, no one will ever call out of that number - it's
> inbound only. We're trying to figure out what to do with all of those
> numbers from a 911 perspective. If no one would ever call out of that
> number, there's no technical need to have it. I'm not sure what would
> legally or best practices required of it.
Are you selling "interconnected VoIP" associated with these DIDs?

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