Just wanted to add some more details to what Dovid mentioned. Many European
countries do offer a non surcharge rate for US and Canada originated
traffic. There are a few countries that put US/Canada in a different bucket
where there is a surcharge, but its not the maximum. Then there are some
countries where certain mobile carriers offer reduced rates but landlines
and other mobile carriers don't. Some countries haven't implemented A
number billing and just have a single rate no matter where the call
originates from. Its a mess.

As for increasing your call completion problems, make sure you and your
upstream are sending the call in full E164 format for your A number and B

I've worked the past couple years to build a product that offers US/Canada
originated traffic the non surcharge rate. Its hard to market due the
complications of explaining it and then potential customers not being able
to normalize their A Numbers appropriately. Unfortunately its not geared
for self serve low volume customers that want to put in a credit card and
go because of the fraud risks I'm not ready to assume.


On Fri, Jul 14, 2023 at 6:36 AM J. Hellenthal via VoiceOps <
voiceops@voiceops.org> wrote:

> This seems like a STIR/SHAKEN event... could be wrong here but this was
> just enforced recently.
> Here's one of the many threads that have taken place:
> https://www.mail-archive.com/voiceops@voiceops.org/msg05700.html
> "Mary Lou" has had some of the best content and explanations on this
> subject. Searching the archives for her threads may help you here as she
> has been quite the goto for information on this subject. Very appreciated.
> On Jul 13, 2023, at 14:34, Ross Tajvar via VoiceOps <voiceops@voiceops.org>
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have an asterisk PBX for personal/business use. I use Flowroute for both
> origination and termination.
> Recently I've started needing to make some international calls
> (specifically mostly to the UK, but also some other places in Europe
> and Australia). There've been a few numbers where completion is very
> hit-or-miss, and a few that seem not to work at all (in both cases I get a
> SIP 500 back from the carrier).
> I'm wondering if this is a carrier issue - maybe Flowroute just has
> low-quality routes to some destinations? I'd like to try other carriers,
> and ideally keep a second one as a fallback, but I'm not sure who's out
> there with no commit.
> Looks like voip.ms is one option. Does anyone have any other suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Ross
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> --
> J. Hellenthal
> The fact that there's a highway to Hell but only a stairway to Heaven says
> a lot about anticipated traffic volume.
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