With the ILECs, CSRs can be provided to customers and carriers that have an LOA from the customer. The ILEC CSRs include the following information:

Address of service location
Address of billing location
List of all services with circuit identifiers
Breakdown of the billing components that make up the price for each service.
List of all TNs associated with each service (if applicable)
Associated circuits connected to that service (if applicable)
If the CSR uses industry codes, the definition of the industry code

BackUP Telecom Consulting
Office: 615-791-9969
Cell: 615-796-1111

On 2023-10-10 11:49 AM, Mike Hammett via VoiceOps wrote:
We recently received a CSR request. I was asked how we're supposed to
respond. Looking through what we had sent out in the past was...  less
than satisfactory to me. It seemed too simplistic.

Unfortunately, when I Googled for additional input, I got a range of:

"Ask your provider, they'll know" I am the provider and I don't know,
which is why I'm searching
Some companies only send CSRs to customers
Some companies only send CSRs to carriers
Some companies don't send CSRs at all

Are there any best practices out there regarding what should be sent
to whom and what authorization is checked before sending?

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions

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