Posted by Orin Kerr:
ABC Poll on Schiavo Case:

   [1]How Appealing links to [2]this ABC poll on public attitudes qbout
   Congress's action giving federal courts jurisdiction over the Schiavo

       Americans broadly and strongly disapprove of federal intervention
     in the Terri Schiavo case, with sizable majorities saying Congress
     is overstepping its bounds for political gain.
       The public, by 63 percent-28 percent, supports the removal of
     Schiavo's feeding tube, and by a 25-point margin opposes a law
     mandating federal review of her case. Congress passed such
     legislation and President Bush signed it early today.
       That legislative action is distinctly unpopular: Not only do 60
     percent oppose it, more â 70 percent â call it inappropriate for
     Congress to get involved in this way. And by a lopsided 67
     percent-19 percent, most think the elected officials trying to keep
     Schiavo alive are doing so more for political advantage than out of
     concern for her or for the principles involved.



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