Posted by Todd Zywicki:
SSRN Top 50 Authors:

   SSRN has just posted the list of the top 50 Law Authors as measured by
   downloads, and yours truly has eecked onto the list, along with a
   couple of co-conspirators. A list of my personal papers can be found

   As one of my colleagues recently confessed, "I'm not sure that numbers
   like this tell us much, but I do love my downloads."

   We list below the Top 50 Law Authors measured by downloads of all of
   their papers in the SSRN eLibrary in the last 12 months through March
   1, 2005. On our web site, we provide 5 other measures for each author,
   including lifetime downloads, number of papers, and downloads per
   paper. To view the full list (which can be dynamically resorted on any
   of the 6 ranking measures) go to:


   1 Bebchuk, Lucian 2 Lemley, Mark 3 Black, Bernard 4 Bainbridge,
   Stephen 5 Sunstein, Cass 6 Parisi, Francesco 7 Solum, Lawrence 8
   Coffee Jr. ,John 9 Landes, William 10 Kerr, Orin

   11 Gilson, Ronald 12 Stout, Lynn 13 Fried, Jesse 14 Posner, Eric 15
   Wu, Tim 16 Blair, Margaret 17 Kraakman, Reinier 18 Bratton, William 19
   Hopt, Klaus 20 Ferrell, Allen 21 Romano, Roberta 22 Cheffins, Brian 23
   Ryan, Patrick 24 Choi, Stephen 25 Barnett, Randy

   26 Roe, Mark 27 Leiter, Brian 28 Shavell, Steven 29 Jinks, Derek 30
   Korobkin, Russell 31 Posner, Richard 32 Yu, Peter 33 McCahery, Joseph
   34 Wagner Polk 35 Thomas, Randall 36 Cunningham, Lawrence 37 Leyens,
   Patrick 38 Ribstein, Larry 39 Schooner, Steven 40 Yoo, John 41 Solove,
   Daniel 42 Klausner, Michael 43 Gulati, G. Mitu 44 Coglianese, Cary 45
   Swire, Peter 46 Schwarcz, Steven 47 Hansmann, Henry 48 Licht, Amir 49
   Zywicki, Todd

   50 Mann, Ronald



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