Posted by Orin Kerr:
More Than 100 Law Professor Bloggers:

   Daniel Solove has posted a [1]very interesting list of all of the
   blogging law professors in the United States -- or at least all of the
   ones a group of us could recall. Dan counts 103 blogging law
   professors so far. My estimate is that about half of them have begun
   blogging in the last 12 months.
     It will be interesting to see how this list changes over time.
   Blogging is a natural medium for law professors: most law professors
   are generalists, good writers, interested in the world around them,
   and have the free time to sit around and blog. The medium provides an
   easy way to bridge the gap between scholarly audiences and the
   interested public. Blogospheric triumphalism is all too common, but my
   guess is that blogging will prove to be an increasingly common part of
   law professor life.



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