Posted by Jonathan Adler:
Sunstein as Regulatory Czar:

   I agree with Todd and Eugene that President-elect Obama has made a
   good choice to pick Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein to head the
   Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (and not just because
   Cass has beena guest blogger). Cass's work on some issues (such as the
   Supreme Court and judicial nominations) can be frustrating, but his
   work on regulatory policy and risk is first rate. Agree or not, Cass
   has been an important thinker and synthesizer of research in this
   area, and I expect he will help maintain (if not increase) a solid
   level of analytical rigor at OIRA.

   I do wonder, however, whether Sunstein will be the first person to
   head OIRA who was willing to [1]ask whether OSHA is unconstitutional.



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