Posted by Orin Kerr:
“My tentative plans are to gerrymander all of those crazy libs right[] out of 
the section.":

   You can read quote and a lot more in the DOJ Inspector General's
   report, "[1]An Investigation of Allegations of Politicized Hiring and
   Other Improper Personnel Actions in the Civil Rights Division." A
   terribly embarrassing and shameful period for DOJ, as I have written
   before. Looking forward, it will be interesting to see how the Obama
   Administration will respond. In particular, it will be interesting to
   see how many Republicans (if any) will be hired by the Civil Rights
   Division during Obama's tenure. Will the new Obama political
   appointees in the Civil Rights Division "plan to gerrymander all of
   those crazy cons" left over from the Bush years? Stay tuned.



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