Posted by Ann Southworth, guest-blogging:
Lawyers of the Right:

   I am grateful to Eugene Volokh for this opportunity to post some
   findings from my book, Lawyers of the Right: Professionalizing the
   Conservative Coalition (University of Chicago Press 2008) and to seek
   your reactions.

   The book is an account of lawyers� roles in the conservative movement
   and class and cultural conflict among them. It analyzes these lawyers�
   characteristics, values, professional identities, and strategies, and
   the extent to which they, and the organizations they serve, operate as
   a coordinated whole.

   The lawyers examined in my book serve several strands of the
   conservative alliance that has coalesced behind the Republican Party
   during the past few decades. Most prominent among those elements are
   social conservatives, libertarians, and business interests �
   constituencies that pursue competing and sometimes contradictory
   goals. Despite their differences, these groups formed a successful
   coalition for many years, although the future of that alliance now
   seems uncertain.

   One might expect lawyers to influence the likelihood of cooperation.
   In fact, lawyers may be among a relatively small set of occupational
   groups -- along with politicians, public intellectuals, political
   patrons, and perhaps religious leaders and journalists --who are well
   positioned to play such an integrative role. Lawyers� common
   characteristics and interests might draw them together and link the
   constituencies they serve. Alternatively, they could be sharply
   divided along the lines of the interests they represent and thus
   contribute little to coordinating the alliance. One of the book's
   purposes is to assess the likelihood of those competing possibilities.

   The book draws primarily from semi-structured interviews in 2001 and
   2002 with seventy-two lawyers for conservative and libertarian
   nonprofit organizations. The interviews grew out of a project that I
   pursued jointly with John P. Heinz of the American Bar Foundation and
   Northwestern University and Anthony Paik of the University of Iowa. To
   define the set of lawyers to study, we drew a sample of conservative
   and libertarian nongovernmental organizations, using several
   complementary methods. I requested interviews with ninety-eight
   prominent lawyers for these organizations and interviewed seventy-two
   of them.

   The �interviewees� included many of the best-known lawyers of the
   conservative movement, representing all of the major constituencies.
   They worked for conservative religious groups, abortion opponents,
   libertarian organizations, groups devoted primarily to business
   interests, affirmative action opponents, "order maintenance" groups
   (i.e., organizations concerned with crime and/or preserving the
   established social and cultural order), and mediator organizations --
   which seek to appeal to all elements of the conservative alliance and
   to promote communication and cooperation among them. The lawyers
   served these organizations in various roles -- as organizers,
   officers, litigators, scholars, and consultants. The largest number
   were in Washington, D.C., but others worked in the South, Midwest and

   There are striking differences among the lawyers who serve the primary
   constituencies of the conservative coalition. They work on different
   issues for different clients in different practice settings, and they
   are divided by social characteristics, educational background, values,
   geography, and professional identity. Religious conservatives
   generally are from rural and less economically privileged backgrounds,
   and many of them openly invoke God as a source of inspiration and
   guidance. Lawyers for libertarian groups, like their social
   conservative counterparts, tend to come from modest backgrounds and
   appear to be personally invested in the causes they serve, but they
   are less religious and more enamored with markets and personal
   liberty. Most of the business representatives come from economically
   secure backgrounds and describe their advocacy for business-oriented
   causes as work rather than activism. Lawyers for mediator groups
   differ from advocates for the other constituencies in their especially
   elite educational backgrounds, prominence, ties to the legal
   establishment, and commitment to identifying common ground.

   If lawyers for the core constituencies come from different social
   backgrounds and hold different political commitments and professional
   identities, what social forces and institutions, if any, bring them
   together? The book considers experiences, interests, and organizations
   that may help forge common ground among lawyers who are divided by
   ideology, geography, and class. It focuses particularly on lawyers�
   shared interest in promoting strategies in which they play leading
   roles and on the function of several important �mediator�
   organizations -- the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation.

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