Posted by Jonathan Adler:
Concerned about Cass:

   The LA Times [1]reports that some liberal activists are concerned
   about President Obama's decision to nominate Harvard law professor
   (and one-time VC guest blogger) Cass Sunstein to be the
   administration's "regulatory czar" as head the Office of Information
   and Regulatory Affairs within the Office of Management and Budget.
   While Sunstein is quite liberal on some issues, and [2]inflamed some
   on the right with his [3]attacks on "extreme right-wing" judges, his
   work on administrative law and regulatory issues is more moderate and
   quite well-respected. From the LA Times:

     Though he is generally described as left of center, Sunstein's
     academic interests in regulation have led him to raise questions
     about the constitutionality of liberal favorites such as workplace
     safety laws and the Clean Air Act. He has embraced a controversial
     "senior death discount" that calculates the lives of younger people
     as having a greater value than those of the elderly.

     Until recently such debates have taken place largely in the world
     of legal scholarship. But now that Obama has named Sunstein to
     serve as his regulatory czar, environmentalists and labor activists
     are digging into his voluminous body of work -- and wondering what
     policies might emanate from a man so dedicated to calculating the
     dollar value of every regulation. . . .

     "If a Republican nominee had these views, the environmental
     community would be screaming for his scalp," said Frank O'Donnell,
     president of Clean Air Watch, a Washington-based advocacy group.

     Instead, the response has been muted, as environmental and labor
     groups question the wisdom of criticizing the nominee of a popular
     president who has promised to support their agenda.

   The [4]Center for Progressive Reform, a non-profit institute "working
   to protect health, safety, and the environment through analysis and
   commentary," was among the first to [5]express concerns about the
   Sunstein nomination, and today they released a [6]report critical of
   his approach to regulatory policy. CPR President[7] Rena Steinzor says
   the group won't support or oppose confirmation as "because we�re not
   in that business," but they will likely be a source of ammunition for
   any who do decide to oppose Sunstein's confirmation, and several CPR
   member-scholars [8]opposed the confirmation of Bush OIRA nominee John

   My own view is that pro-regulatory groups have little to fear from
   Sunstein's confirmation. Whatever questions Sunstein may have raised
   about the desirability (or even constitutionality) of various
   regulatory programs, I cannot think of anything he has written that
   challenges the idea of an aggressive regulatory state. Sunstein's
   administrative law expertise and analytical rigor is likely to
   translate into greater regulatory authority for this administration,
   particularly insofar as he is able to goad federal agencies to
   strengthen the analytical and legal justifications for their proposed
   regulatory initiatives. In this respect, Sunstein could make the Obama
   Administration's regulatory initiatives more formidable and less
   vulnerable to judicial review, and that is an outcome I would think
   environmental activists and their allies would cheer.



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