Posted by David Bernstein:
International Law and the Gaza Conflict, Redux:

   One thing that's clear from the recent Gaza conflict is that to many
   leftists, "international law" is simply shorthand for "a country is
   engaging in military action that I don't like."

   A case in point [1]is a statement, [2]via Brian Leiter, by self-styled
   "American Jewish progressives" (some of whom, I note, seem to assert
   their Jewish identity only when its useful for bashing Israel) on
   Gaza. The statement claims that Israel acted "with little or no
   consideration for human rights or the laws of war."

   As usual with such statements, not a single documented violation of
   the laws of war is mentioned. Say what you will about the wisdom, or
   even morality, about the IDF's actions in Gaza, the idea that it acts
   "with little or no consideration for the law of war" is absurd. Not
   only does the IDF have strict internal rules promulgated by its
   version of the JAG, but it knows it has the entire international left
   breathing over its shoulder, looking for any violations of
   international norms that could be exploited for propaganda purposes.

   We could review for many paragraphs the various actions Israel took to
   limit civilian casualties, such as calling people living in Hamas
   weapons depots (also serving as apartment buildings) to warn them that
   a bombing raid was imminent. And I can once again refer to the
   [3]retired British army colonel who remarked that there has bee "no
   time in the history of warfare when an army has made more efforts to
   reduce civilian casualties and the deaths of innocent people than the

   But the argument against such broad indictments of Israel is even
   simpler. Even Israel's harshest critics claim no more than 1,400 or so
   deaths in Gaza, with a significant fraction of those Hamas fighters.
   If Israel truly "little or no consideration for human rights or the
   laws of war," why were the casualty figures that low? Surely Israel
   could have unleashed far greater devastation, while also achieving
   more of its military objectives. Israel could have, for example,
   demolished Shifra Hospital, which has underground bunkers that served
   as a command center for the Hamas leadership.

   In any event, I'll lay down the challenge to the signators of the
   statement that one should issue whenever one sees similarly ignorant
   statements: Precisely what "laws of war" do you claim Israel violated
   in Gaza, what is your evidence for these violations, what treaties or
   legal precedents can you cite to support your claim, are you aware of
   legal authorities that disagree with your interpretation of
   international law, and under what legal theory is Israel bound by
   whatever particular international law principle that you are
   purporting to apply (e.g., if you are citing a treaty that Israel
   specifically declined to be a party to)?

   Near as I can tell, only one law professor signed this statement, but
   surely he wouldn't have signed it without having answers to those
   questions readily at hand, so perhaps he can enlighten us.



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