Posted by Jonathan Adler:
Funk on *Eurodif* & *Chevron*:

   Among the decisions handed down on Monday was [1]United States v.
   Eurodif, in which the Supreme Court held unanimously that certain
   contracts for enriched uranium are sales of goods subject to federal
   anti-dumping laws. The case may seem obscure, it is potentially
   important for administrative law, as Lewis & Clark's [2]William Funk
   explained in a recent e-mail to the AdminLawProf e-mail list-serv. I
   thought this might be of interest to any admin-law junkies out there,
   so I reproduce it below (with Bill's permission):

     Monday the Supreme Court decided US v. Eurodif (2009 WL 160582), in
     which the Court unanimously reversed the Federal Circuit in an anti
     dumping case. The case turned on whether the court should give
     Chevron deference to a determination made by Commerce in an
     adjudication. Justice Souter, who with Justice Breyer, has done
     more to screw up Chevron law than anyone else, spent some time
     explaining why the statute in question was ambiguous and why
     Commerce�s interpretation in its antidumping decision was
     reasonable. Unfortunately, he nowhere identified what sort of
     adjudication it was � formal or informal. He suggested it was
     formal by dropping a footnote saying �The specific factual findings
     on which an agency relies in applying its interpretation are
     conclusive unless unsupported by substantial evidence. 5 U.S.C. §
     706(2)(E),� which by its terms is limited to reviews of formal
     adjudications. However, the factual findings in an antidumping case
     are not subject to 706(2)(E), they are subject to the specific
     requirements of the judicial review provisions of the antidumping
     act, 19 U.S.C.A. § 1516a(b)(1)(B)(i), applicable to
     �determinations on record.� My quick search has not been able to
     disclose the procedural requirements attendant to these antidumping
     determinations. If it is formal adjudication, then Eurodif breaks
     no new ground. On the other hand, if the adjudication is not formal
     adjudication, then the decision breaks new ground at least in the
     sense that it assumes an �adjudication� by itself is entitled to
     Chevron deference.

   SCOTUSBlog has more on the Eurodif decision [3]here.



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