Posted by Orin Kerr:
Law Student Blogs:

   Back in the early days of law blogs, around 2002-04, law student blogs
   were a really important part of the blawgosphere. Law prof blogs
   regularly linked to law student blogs, and for the most part there
   wasn't a sharp line between them in terms of readership.
     Am I right that law student blogs play a less important role today?
   Perhaps the best is [1]Nuts & Boalts, which has been around for years
   and is still going strong. But by and large the law student blogs seem
   to have dwindled in number and importance: Fewer law students write
   for general interest law blogs, and fewer general interest law blog
   readers regularly visit student law blogs. That's my impression, at
     I'm not exactly sure what changed. Perhaps the blawgosphere has
   matured? Perhaps the student bloggers of the old days were unusually
   good, and when they graduated no one replaced them? I don't know.
   Either way, it seemed like a shift worth noting.



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