Posted by David Kopel:
Left/Right bloggers agree on recession, split on "stimulus":

   In this week's National Journal [1]poll of leading political bloggers,
   the Left and Right have similar views on how much longer the recession
   will continue. A plurality expect 13-23 months. Zero expect less than
   six months. About a quarter expect 7-12 months, and about a third
   expect 24 months or longer. I was in the latter group, and wrote,
   "Like FDR/Hoover, Obama is pursuing policies that may deepen and
   extend the economic problem in the long run."
   Would it be good if Republicans supported the "stimulus"? Left
   bloggers were evenly split, whereas Right bloggers unanimously said
   "no." I voted No, "For the same reason it would be desirable not to
   have significant Democratic support: borrowing an extra trillion
   dollars a year and spending much of it on pork is a continuation of
   the reckless borrowing and irresponsible spending (at both the federal
   and the personal level) that got us into this mess in the first



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