Posted by Ilya Somin:
Should Lawprofs be Facebook "Friends" with Students?

   Rob Vischer of Prawfsblawg has [1]joined the ranks of law professors
   concerned about the ethics of facebook friendship with their students:

     What does FB mean for the professor-student relationship? I'm not
     talking about whether the law school should use FB as a
     professional networking venture; I'm talking about what students
     know about you and what you know about your students. I still base
     my image of the law school professor on Phil Areeda, who I'm
     certain would have had me arrested if I had dropped by his office
     to chat about the weekend....

     And now what have I become? Going out with students for a beer,
     fielding a flag football team, and playing basketball with students
     has always made me an enthusiast for the friendship that dare not
     speak its name, but now I've taken it to another level -- I'm FB
     friends with my students. I'm all up in their business, and they're
     in mine. Is it wrong? Is it a concern? Do any other faculty FBers
     deny student friend requests? Do you keep them on a separate friend
     list with more limited access to your page? At least for me, the
     notion of keeping a mysterious distance between students and myself
     was a non-starter, but have I (or my students) lost something in
     the process?

   I commented on these issues in [2]this post last year, responding to
   [3]an earlier post by legal scholar Gene Koo. I still think that there
   is no problem with Facebook friendships between professors and
   students. It's a far from intimate relationship, to put it mildly. Of
   course, I don't put any extremely intimate or private material on my
   Facebook page; people who can see it are not "all up in [my]
   business." They just know a few basic facts about my work, background
   and interests. Putting much more than that up on Facebook is unwise
   for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with academic ethics.

   Students who see my Facebook page probably don't know as much about me
   as those who stop by my office regularly to talk about law, policy, or
   baseball. If the latter is a permissible form of student-faculty
   interaction, so too is Facebook "friendship."



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