Posted by Eugene Volokh:
Foreign Same-Sex Marriages and Intestate Succession:

   [1]In re Estate of Ranftle, decided last week by the New York County
   Surrogate's Court, seems to me to reach exactly the right result. H.
   Kenneth Ranftle married J. Craig Leiby in Canada in June 2008. In
   November, he died, apparently not leaving a will; he was survived by
   Leiby and by three siblings.

   The immediate question before the court was who was "entitled to
   receive process under [2]SCPA 1403(1)(a), but since that refers to the
   "distributees" -- those who would inherit under the will -- the
   procedural question included the substantive one: Should Leiby be
   treated as a [3]surviving spouse? Yes, the court said:

     Marriages valid where solemnized have long been recognized in New
     York; exceptions exist only for marriages affirmatively prohibited
     by New York law, or proscribed by "natural law" (Matter of May, 305
     NY 486 [1953]). [Footnote: The "natural law" exception is generally
     limited to cases of incest and polygamy or where the marriage
     violates the state's public policy (Martinez v. County of Monroe,
     50 AD3d at 191). It is noted that Governor David Paterson has
     instructed New York state agencies to recognize same-sex marriages
     that were valid where performed, through an Executive Directive
     dated May 14, 2008.] As decedent's marriage was valid under the
     laws of Canada, where performed, and falls into neither exception
     to the general rule, the marriage is entitled to recognition in New
     York (Martinez v. County of Monroe, 50 AD3d 189 [4th Dept 2008])
     (recognizing Canadian same-sex marriage for purposes of entitlement
     to spousal health care benefits).

   This strikes me as precisely correct. New York statutes do not bar
   recognition of out-of-state marriages. Neither do New York common-law
   principles; the "natural law" reference is indeed shorthand for "cases
   involving polygamy or incest in a degree regarded generally as within
   the prohibition of natural law." (By the way, Matter of May, which the
   court cites, upheld an uncle-niece marriage, which was valid under
   [4]a Rhode Island statute that allowed such marriages for Jews; I
   expect that many people in 1953 thought such marriages to be
   inappropriate, and New York law in fact forbade them, but New York
   courts recognized the out-of-state marriage nonetheless.) The judge
   didn't have to do his own philosophical "natural law" reasoning to
   decide whether same-sex marriages are "natural" or "unnatural"; he was
   just reading the existing precedents no more broadly than they

   And I think such a preference for recognizing foreign marriages that
   were legal in the place where they were entered into -- a preference
   that is itself a long-standing legal principle -- makes perfect sense,
   especially when it comes to intestate succession. Someone dies. He
   should have had a will, but he didn't, and it's too late for
   should-haves now. The legal system's goal should be to give the
   property to those to whom he would have most likely wanted to leave
   it, so long as this can be done without excessive fact-finding of the
   "Mother loved me best" variety. It's a fair bet that people would like
   to leave their property to their spouses; and that's true even if the
   law of the state wouldn't itself allow such a marriage.

   You can like the marriage or dislike it, support uncles marrying
   nieces or oppose it, but when it comes to distributing the dead
   person's property, the focus should be (again, where it is consistent
   with the demands of clarity and minimal factfinding cost) on what the
   dead person would have wanted, not what the judge or the voters would
   have wanted. I'm not saying there's a constitutional obligation to do
   it -- just that this is the soundest legal principle.

   By the way, if you ask "But what about polygamy?," there's already an
   answer: [5]In re Bir's Estate, in which the California Court of Appeal
   held -- in 1948 -- that California would recognize a foreign
   polygamous marriage (from India) for the purposes of intestate
   succession. Though California public policy might lead to a different
   result "if decedent had attempted to cohabit with his two wives in
   California" -- remember that this was a time when cohabitation with
   someone who wasn't your legal wife could be criminal -- "[w]here only
   the question of descent of property is involved, 'public policy' is
   not affected." Both wives were thus allowed to share equally in the
   decedent's property.

   What's more, earlier cases took a similar view, especially as to the
   question whether the children of the second and later wives were to be
   treated as legitimate, back when more legal rules turned on
   legitimacy. These matter came up in some cases involving American
   Indian tribes, as well as marriages recognized in foreign countries.
   And the skies didn't fall, nor would they have, I think, if such cases
   had been more common.



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