Posted by Randy Barnett:
Don't Let Judges Tear Up Mortgage Contracts:

   Amidst the so-called "credit crisis," there is much talk about how
   libertarianism is dead, or at least how libertarian first principles
   are irrelevant. One appeal of libertarianism is that its basic
   principles are simple and easy to understand. Private property,
   freedom of contract, self-defense, restitution for rights violations,
   etc. While some libertarians hold these principle as ends in
   themselves, all libertarians also believe they lead to good
   consequences. And the general public is concerned with consequences
   along with its views of morality. When a public policy debate arises,
   however, it is not persuasive simply to invoke libertarian general
   principles. One must know something about the subject at hand to
   explain how violating these principles is likely to turn out badly.
   Libertarian first principles can be analogized to having a cheat sheet
   of answers to a multiple choice test. While you might know the right
   answer--which is certainly useful--you won't know exactly why the
   answer is right, which is needed to truly understand the subject being
   tested. And without such an understanding, one cannot explain the
   "right answer" to others and why it is right.
   One of the basic libertarian principles is that persons have a right
   to enter into contracts of their choosing, and that the government
   should not intervene to hold such a contract unenforceable. But
   contract law recognizes valid defenses to a contract that are needed
   to protect contractual freedom. And contract law has long co-existed
   with bankruptcy laws. (For a libertarian analysis of bankruptcy laws
   see [1]here.)
   While libertarians today might instinctively object to letting
   bankruptcy judges modify existing mortgages, to be persuasive, one
   needs to know something about both the mortgage market and how
   bankruptcy proceedings work to know exactly why this is a bad idea.
   Co-conspirator Todd Zywicki has an op-ed in today's [2]Wall Street
   Journal opposing giving bankruptcy judges the power to modify existing
   mortgages. His essay well illustrates why libertarian principles alone
   are not enough to enter into a public policy debate. One also needs
   knowledge of the subject at hand. You should read the whole thing, but
   here is an excerpt:

     In the first place, mortgage costs will rise. If bankruptcy judges
     can rewrite mortgage loans after they are made, it will increase
     the risk of mortgage lending at the time they are made. Increased
     risk increases the overall cost of lending, which in turn will
     require future borrowers to pay higher interest rates and upfront
     costs, such as higher down payments and points. This is illustrated
     by a recent example: In 2005, Congress eliminated the power of
     bankruptcy judges to modify auto loans. A recent staff report by
     the Federal Reserve Bank of New York estimated a 265 basis-point
     reduction on average in auto loan terms as a result of the reform.
     Allowing mortgage modification in bankruptcy also could unleash a
     torrent of bankruptcies. To gain a sense of the potential size of
     the problem, consider that about 800,000 American families filed
     for bankruptcy in 2007. Rising unemployment and the weakening
     economy pushed the number near one million in 2008. But by recent
     count, some five million homeowners are currently delinquent on
     their mortgages and some 12 million to 15 million homeowners owe
     more on their mortgages than the home is worth. If even a fraction
     of those homeowners file for bankruptcy to reduce their interest
     rates or strip down their principle amounts to the value of their
     homes, we could see an unprecedented surge in filings, overwhelming
     the bankruptcy system.
     Finally, a bankruptcy proceeding sweeps in all of the filer's other
     debts, including credit cards, car loans, unpaid medical bills,
     etc. This means that a surge in new bankruptcy filings, brought
     about by a judge's power to modify mortgages, could destabilize the
     market for all other types of consumer credit.
     There are other problems. A bankruptcy judge's power to reset
     interest rates and strip down principal to the value of the
     property sets up a dynamic that will fail to help many needy
     homeowners, and also reward bankruptcy abuse.
     Consider that the pending legislation requires the judge to set the
     interest rate at the prime rate plus "a reasonable premium for
     risk." Question: What is a reasonable risk premium for an already
     risky subprime borrower who has filed for bankruptcy and is getting
     the equivalent of a new loan with nothing down?
     In a competitive market, such a mortgage would likely fetch a
     double-digit interest rate -- comparable to the rate they already
     have. Thus, the bankruptcy plan would offer either no relief at all
     to a subprime borrower, or the bankruptcy judge would set the
     interest rate at a submarket rate, apparently violating the premise
     of the statute and piling further harm on the lender.
     More worrisome is the opportunity for abuse. [snip]
     If Congress wants to deal with the rising number of foreclosures,
     it should not create a new mess by converting the mortgage crisis
     into a bankruptcy crisis. Doing so will open the door to a host of
     unintended consequences that will further freeze credit markets,
     raise interest rates for new home buyers, and spread the mortgage
     contagion to other types of consumer credit. Congress needs to
     reject this plan and look for better solutions.

   Read the whole thing [3]here.



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