Posted by Richard Painter, guest-blogging:
Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll, and  . . . Money

   My second post in this discussion concerns the
   pre-appointment/pre-nomination vetting process for Executive Branch
   office holders nicknamed �sex, drugs and rock and roll.�

   As its nickname suggests, much of this process concerns matters that
   could embarrass the President, but that may have little bearing on a
   nominee�s ability capably and faithfully to carry out the duties of
   his or her office. Still, in a scandal obsessed political culture,
   these matters are important.

   Here how it works (see pages 84-89 in Chapter 3 of my book). The White
   House ethics lawyer (that was my job from 2005 to 2007) talks to a
   potential nominee about his or her investments, for-profit and
   non-profit board memberships, and other entanglements that could
   create problems under conflict-of-interest rules. The candidate then
   talks with a different lawyer, the White House clearance counsel,
   about his or her educational record, police record (if any), driving
   record, professional licenses and employment record, marriages,
   lawsuits, personal life and similar matters. In short, after the
   ethics lawyer�s �money talk� there is a �sex talk.�

   After a preliminary decision to appoint or nominate someone to a
   position, an FBI background investigation is begun to confirm what was
   said. The candidate also agrees to release his or her tax returns to
   the White House. The White House sends these over to the Treasury
   Department for review.

   I know of one instance in the eight years of the Bush Administration
   when this part of the process went wrong, badly wrong. That was the
   Bernie Kerik nomination as Secretary of Homeland Security. Some blogs
   reported that I was the person who vetted Kerik. That is not true, as
   he was nominated and the nomination was withdrawn months before I
   began work at the White House. Fact is that nobody vetted Bernie
   Kerik, which was the problem. Never again, I believe, was the vetting
   process short circuited and clearance counsel left out of the loop.
   Lesson learned.

   The new Administration has not been so fortunate. I admire our
   President, and I am inspired by his vision of a more ethical
   Washington. He is too smart, however, not to know that a poor vetting
   process quickly leads to poor appearances, and that poor appearances
   give opponents a chance to score quick political points. Most of the
   vetting problems for nominees were while he was President-Elect, but
   the President needs to fix the process now. He cannot afford more

   Never mind the Treasury Secretary who didn�t pay his taxes (if he
   makes it past April 15, he probably gets to keep his job). Never mind
   the failed attempts to fill cabinet posts at Health and Human Services
   and the Commerce Department. Let�s look at another issue that was
   under the radar screen and apparently not part of the vetting process.

   When I was at the White House, we looked carefully at corporate
   directorships. Membership on the board of a company with serious
   corporate governance problems was a strike against a potential

   This makes sense. People who cannot run private companies should not
   help run America.

   Corporate board members are responsible for hiring, supervising and
   compensating the CEO and other senior officers. Many corporate board
   members do their job well. A few do not. These few are not the
   strongest candidates for high level government jobs that require the
   public trust.

   How then could a high ranking position it the State Department in 2009
   go to Richard Holbrooke who was a director of AIG between 2001 and
   2008, who was on AIG�s compensation committee, and who resigned from
   AIG in the summer of 2008 just as things were falling apart? Holbrooke
   is a talented if controversial diplomat with a track record in Kosovo,
   and he brings this experience to his present position as liaison
   between the United States and parties interested in the War in
   Afghanistan. Nonetheless, news reports suggest that the White House
   did not think about AIG when appointing Holbrooke, and did not
   consider whether a man who could not keep AIG�s risk prone management
   in check can effectively deal with a geographic region riddled with
   corruption, not to mention Al Queda and the Taliban.

   And there is more. Holbrooke left the Clinton Administration for
   investment banking. The Department of Justice Public Integrity
   Division later charged that he violated post-employment conflict of
   interest rules by representing back to the State Department on behalf
   of an investment bank. The charges were settled with payment of a
   $5,000 fine. Details are in an August 14, 2000 memo titled 1999
   Conflict of Interest Prosecution Survey sent by the Office of
   Government Ethics to designated agency ethics officials:

   In 2001 Holbrooke became a director of AIG. According to the
   Associated Press, SEC filings indicate that AIG paid Holbrooke
   hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and stock in 2006 and 2007
   (2008 compensation figures are not yet available).

   One could argue perhaps that AIG was a good corporate citizen in its
   charitable contributions. These also, however, were in one respect
   problematic. AIG and the until recently AIG-affiliated Starr
   Foundation contributed a lot of money over several years to the
   American Academy in Berlin, itself a good cause. Dig deeper, however,
   and one finds that the American Academy was founded by none other than
   Holbrooke who also served as its Chairman. Is it pure coincidence that
   Holbrooke was one of AIG �s outside directors who helped decided how
   much money AIG�s senior executives got paid? Conflicts of interest of
   this sort are not per se illegal (perhaps they should be) but they do
   not reflect well on corporations or the directors who run them.

   So far, the White House response to Holbrooke�s involvement in AIG has
   been tepid at best. According to the AP, the White House said that
   Holbrooke was �unaware� of the big retention bonuses handed out by AIG
   to its key employees. That�s my point. A company�s directors should be
   aware of how much executives get paid because its part of their job to
   be aware.

   President Obama has observed that, �[n]obody here was responsible for
   supervising AIG and allowing themselves to put the economy at risk by
   some of the outrageous behavior that they were engaged in." The
   President probably meant to say that somebody had that responsibility
   at AIG, and that somebody did not do their job.

   The White House may decide that, despite these concerns, Holbrooke
   should remain in his current post as liaison to Afghanistan. Many
   factors, not just his role in AIG, are relevant to appointing and
   retaining an official in such a position. Holbrooke may have good
   intentions; he may just not be very careful. Nonetheless, the White
   House should make it clear that these concerns are not trivial and
   that in general how well one does as a fiduciary for a public company
   is a very relevant factor in predicting how well one will do as a
   fiduciary for the public.

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