Posted by Orin Kerr:
Nightmares of Legal Academics:

   From [1]Jacqueline Lipton, a law professor at [2]Case, it's about the
   law review placement process:

     A few weeks ago, I had a [DEL: dream :DEL] nightmare that I became
     deathly ill in the middle of the submission season and was unable
     to continue expediting my pieces. In the dream, I asked a colleague
     (the one who dared encouraged me to write this) if he would take
     over the expediting process for me. He kindly did so and placed
     both pieces, but he couldn't remember where he had placed them and
     couldn't find any record of his communications with the journals.
     He knew the articles were going to be published in the fall, but
     the doctors said I wouldn't make it that long. So I was left
     knowing that I was going to die without ever finding out if I had
     finally cracked the Top 10.

     I haven't had a law review dream, but I did recently have a computer
   search and seizure law dream. I was at my parents' house, and the
   police knocked on the door and asked to come in. Someone let them in
   (mom, maybe? I'm not sure), and then the police proceeded to pick up
   and take away my parents' desktop computer. I asked them what they
   were doing, and they told me that we had consented: Having agreed to
   let them in, we had consented to let them take the computer away. I
   responded that this was totally wrong, because the scope of consent
   test is what a "typical reasonable person" would think the exchange
   meant (Florida v. Jimeno), and it was ridiculous to think that consent
   to enter a home was the same as consent to take away a computer. The
   police shrugged and took the computer away anyway.
     I think the meaning of the dream is that I really need to write that
   article I have in mind on consent to search computers. Either that, or
   I need to take a vacation.



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