Posted by Eugene Volokh:
Who Are the Murderers (and Manslaughterers)?

   Are they mostly ordinary folks like you and me who just snap? Or are
   they disproportionately likely to have criminal records?

   I know of no truly comprehensive data on this, but here's what we
   learn from the intentional homicide line in Justice Department's
   [1]Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 2004 (a sample that is
   representative of the large urban counties that account for roughly
   half of the nation's violent crimes):
     * 83% had a prior adult arrest (compared to [2]likely 25% or so of
       the adult U.S. population).
     * 76% had two or more prior adult arrests.
     * 55% had five or more prior adult arrests.
     * 65% had a prior adult conviction.
     * 44% had a prior adult felony conviction (compared to about 7.5% of
       the adult U.S. population, see Christopher Uggen et al.,
       Citizenship, Democracy, and the Civic Reintegration of Criminal
       Offenders, 605 Annals Am. Acad. Pol. & Soc. Sci. 281, 288 (2006)).

   This does not include "arrests or convictions that occurred while the
   defendant was a juvenile" (I quote here from an e-mail from the author
   of the report). Since [3]nearly half of all homicide offenders are 24
   or under, the exclusion of juvenile arrests and convictions is thus
   likely to substantially undercount the actual arrest and conviction
   record. This also doesn't include arrests or convictions that the
   state effectively expunged or never logged, for instance because
   someone was allowed a "deferred adjudication," which is essentially
   probation in lieu of a conviction, so that no conviction would be
   entered if the probation is finished with no observed violations.

   Note that these numbers have been [4]increasing in the past decades,
   though I can't tell whether this is because changes in who commits
   crimes, changes in criminal apprehension rates, or changes in states'
   keeping good track of criminal histories.



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