Posted by Richard Painter, guest-blogging:
The First Bank of the United States

   Thanks to MarkField for pointing out my error -- the Bank's charter
   did not expire in 1808, although I believe 1811 not 1812 is the
   correct year and I have inserted 1811 in my earlier post.

   In my post, I was careful to refer to "the" allegations of corruption,
   which were accusations of insider trading and conflict of interest by
   speculators and Members of Congress dealing in federal and state
   government bonds. It is true that the First Bank -- unlike the Second
   -- was otherwise operated in a relatively clean manner. This did not
   matter. Jeffersonians hated the bank and hated Hamilton and everything
   he stood for, and the scandal from speculation in government bonds had
   tarnished the Bank along with the rest of Hamilton's economic agenda.
   Sound economics perhaps the Federalists had, but without ethics at the
   outset, sound economic policy may go nowhere.

   The Second Bank was set up after the War of 1812 when the government
   realized that without a Bank it could have difficulty raising money,
   particularly compared with England. This Bank was indeed "ethically
   challenged" for much of its existence (including Bank President
   Nicholas Biddle's payoffs for Senator Daniel Webster). President
   Jackson was able to use these and other allegations against the Bank
   to shut it down as well.

   The United States did not get another government bank until the
   Federal Reserve was established in 1913. When a Wall Street bailout
   was required in 1907, J.P. Morgan & Co. had to work with the Treasury
   Department to get the job done. The Bank of England had been around
   since 1694, a 220 year head start on the United States. Business
   ethics and government ethics I believe were part of our national bank
   story or lack of one for so long.

   England of course had its own experience with the combination of bad
   business ethics and bad government ethics, the South Sea Bubble of
   1720. Many Members of Parliament were trading in the stock -- and
   enacting bills to promote the Company -- before it crashed. The King's
   mistress was stock jobbing as well, although I am not sure that
   similar access to inside information was given to the Queen.

   The result was the Bubble Act, which restricted use of limited
   liability for transferable shares for over a century (the Act's actual
   impact on England's economy is a matter of debate as it was relatively
   easy for London solicitors to figure out a way around the Act). Once
   again, the reaction to ethics scandals in government and business,
   particularly when the two are combined, can be bad economic policy or
   bad regulation. Legislators, rushing to cover their posteriors, may
   take rash action.

   More on all of this is in my Chicago legal history lecture, available
   on SSRN.

   More recently, we had Enron and Worldcom in 2001 and 2002, and more
   recently the Wall Street meltdown. The rest of the story speaks for

   Richard Painter

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