Posted by Richard Painter, guest-blogging:
What Should We Do Next?:

   Although many of my commentators here disagree with me, I still
   believe there was poor lawyering at various levels that went into the
   so called torture memos.

   It is also clear that efforts to single out particular individuals at
   OLC for blame do not get to the heart of what happened and why. The
   question never should have been asked to begin with. Someone high up
   the chain of command should have recognized that any memo on this
   topic would be explosive unless it unequivocally rejected torture and
   anything that even came close to torture. Otherwise, there should be
   no memo, period. That is what an ethics officer, if consulted, should
   have said.

   There is plenty of blame to go around here, and at this point I do not
   see how the blame game will do us any good. It would be particularly
   disingenuous to look only at the lawyers who signed the memos (we know
   that the views of a lot of other lawyers both in and outside OLC went
   into these memos).

   A number of commentators have mentioned state bar discipline. There is
   relatively little case law on discipline for bad legal opinions; in
   the private sector this is worked out through malpractice suits. In
   government, lawyers who give wrong answers or answer questions they
   should have refused to answer are fired or -- as is the case here --
   have to deal with adverse public opinion. I suggest in my book some
   proposals for how we might improve the quality of lawyering at OLC
   going forward. One is to involve more career lawyers at OLC in opinion
   writing, as is the practice at the Department of State. The present
   administration I hope will take this issue seriously by doing what it
   can to put its own house in order.

   Disciplinary action at the state level furthermore could set a bad
   precedent. Once state bar associations go down that route, I fear
   where it would lead. I certainly would not want to be a lawyer for the
   present Administration coming from a Red State that has a state bar
   controlled by people who listen to Rush on the radio.

   The suggestion that criminal charges could be filed against anyone
   involved in these memos will go nowhere.

   Finally, law professors should address this subject with constructive
   suggestions for change, not with invective. Of particular concern are
   highhanded efforts to squelch free speech on campuses by saying for
   example that a lawyer who worked on one of these memos should not be
   invited to speak or to teach. This type of thing puts the former OLC
   lawyers on the moral high ground in a battle over campus political
   correctness -- a sideshow -- when the real focus should be on what
   went wrong in the United States government and why.

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