Posted by David Post:
Moose Sightings, Con't: San Diego

   I'll be giving [1]a talk at 4:30 this afternoon, along with
   paleontologist Tom Demarre of the San Diego Natural History Museum, at
   the Thomas Jefferson Law School in San Diego. The genesis of this
   event is pretty wild. About a week after I published [2]my book --
   which is really all about Jefferson's seemingly mad obsession with
   size and scale (reflected in, among many other things, his search for
   really big animals like moose and mammoths), and why that matters (a
   lot) for understanding the Internet (and many, many other things) --
   news came that a complete fossilized skeleton of a Columbian mammoth
   had been uncovered while excavating the foundation for a new building
   at the Thomas Jefferson Law School. It got weirder and weirder -- a
   few weeks later they turn up a [3]40-foot baleen whale skeleton, and
   then, a few weeks after that, a f[4]ossilized giant ground sloth -- of
   precisely the same species as the one that Jeffeson himself described
   in a paper he presented when he was being inducted as President of the
   American Philosophical Society in 1797. In the foundation for the
   Thomas Jefferson Law School?! You couldn't have made this up.

   So I wrote to the Dean, Rudy Hasl, and said, in effect, "this is too
   good an opportunity to pass up - I've got to come out there and give a
   talk." And he arranged for Demarre, one of the paleontologists who've
   been studying these finds, to join. It should be an interesting event
   - how many times do you get to see a palentologist and a law professor
   talking together about anything, anyway?



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