Posted by Ilya Somin:
My *Pennumbra*  Debate over Democracy and the Constitution with Sanford 

   The University of Pennsylvania Law Review's Pennumbra website has
   recently posted [1]a debate over "Democracy, Political, Ignorance, and
   Constitutional Reform," between University of texas law Professor
   Sanford Levinson and myself. Levinson is a prominent constitutional
   theorist, and also known to many of our readers for his blogging at

   Levinson and I both worry that democratic control over government
   policy has eroded in the current constitutional system for various
   reasons, including widespread political ignorance. However, we
   disagree over the solutions to this problem. Levinson contends that we
   need an extensive revamping of the current Constitution to make it
   more democratic. In my view, a better approach would be to reduce the
   size, scope, and complexity of government, which would make it easier
   for voters to acquire sufficient knowledge to keep track of what their
   representatives are doing. I also argue that the combination of
   political ignorance, war, and economic crisis make this a dangerous
   time to undertake major constitutional change. The combination of
   fear, ignorance, and political manipulation thereof could yield a
   worse system than the admittedly flawed status quo.



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