Posted by Jonathan Adler:
Souter, Sotomayor, & *Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts*:

   The conventional wisdom holds that replacing Justice David Souter with
   Sonia Sotomayor will not have a significant effect on the Supreme
   Court's jurisprudence. For most high-profile, hot-button issues, this
   may be correct. Yet for reasons I have noted before (see [1]here and
   [2]here), I think that Sotomayor's confirmation could have significant
   effects, particularly in the area of criminal law. Last week's
   decision in [3]Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts provides a nice
   illustration of how the Court's approach to some criminal law issues
   might change once Justice Sotomayor replaces Justice Souter on the

   In Melendez-Diaz the Court split 5-4 over whether the Confrontation
   Clause requires treating crime lab reports as testimonial evidence.
   The justices did not split along traditional ideological lines,
   however. Rather the division could be described as one between
   formalists and pragmatists. The former group -- Justices Scalia,
   Thomas, Stevens, Ginsburg and Souter -- sought to apply the
   Confrontation Clause in a formalistic manner, concluding that
   affidavits completed by forensic analysts are testimonial evidence
   that may only be admitted if the authoring analysts testify (or are
   unavailable), so as to allow a criminal defendant the opportunity to
   confront them. The latter group -- Justices Kennedy, Alito, Breyer,
   and the Chief Justice -- take a more pragmatic approach, concluding
   that the Confrontation Clause's requirements need not be applied so
   rigidly to scientific evidence. This is a split we've seen before,
   both in other Confrontation Clause cases, as well as in cases
   challenging the constitutionality of sentencing schemes that allow or
   require judges to make sentencing decisions based upon facts not found
   by a jury, so it is not isolated to this one issue.

   Which camp will Justice Sotomayor join assuming she is confirmed to
   the Court? It is impossible to know for sure, but there are reasons to
   suspect that she may join the pragmatists more often than the
   formalists. For one thing, her criminal law opinions provide little
   evidence of a strong civil libertarian streak of the sort that would
   lead her to apply constitutional protections for criminal defendants
   in a strict and unyielding manner. Further, her experience as a trial
   court judge and prosecutor may lead her to take a more pragmatic, and
   less bright-line-oriented approach to these sorts of cases. If so, her
   ascension to the Court could have dramatic consequences for criminal
   law, as she could create a new Court majority on these issues and roll
   back recent decisions on the Confrontation Clause, sentencing rules,
   and other areas of criminal law.

   Would such a change be a bad thing? That depends on how one approaches
   these sorts of cases. For myself, I am quite sympathetic to the
   formalist approach, and find Justice Scalia's arguments quite
   compelling (and not just because he cites [4]one of my colleagues). So
   I think it would be unfortunate were she to depart from Justice
   Souter's approach to these questions. Reasonable people may differ.

   Interestingly enough, the cross-ideological nature of the Court's
   split also ensures that this sort of case will receive less attention
   than others in the confirmation process. Cases with clear ideological
   divisions are ready-made for ideological activists and partisan
   Senators, and they are the easiest to squeeze into a conventional
   media narrative about the battle between Right and Left. Yet in this
   sort of case, there is no clear "conservative" or "liberal" position,
   despite the Court's narrow division. So, while this case illustrates
   more of what's "at stake" in the confirmation, it does not raise the
   sort of issue that is likely to receive significant attention in the
   debate over Sotomayor's confirmation.



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