Posted by Jonathan Adler:
LawProfs for Sotomayor:

   Today the Senate Judiciary Committee [1]posted a letter supporting
   confirmation of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court signed by
   over 1,100 law professors from around the country. [2]Organized by the
   Alliance for Justice, and promoted by professors at various schools
   ([3]including Columbia, which released the letter to the press), the
   letter makes the standard case for Sotomayor's confirmation:

     Judge Sotomayor will bring to the Supreme Court an extraordinary
     personal story, academic qualifications, remarkable professional
     accomplishments and much needed ethnic and gender diversity. We are
     confident that Judge Sotomayor�s intelligence, her character forged
     by her extraordinary background and experience, and her profound
     respect for the law and the craft of judging make her an
     exceptionally well-qualified nominee to the Supreme Court and we
     urge her speedy confirmation.

   The letter is pretty standard stuff for this sort of thing. One
   paragraph in particular caught my eye:

     As a federal judge at both the trial and appellate levels, Judge
     Sotomayor has distinguished herself as a brilliant, careful,
     fair-minded jurist whose rulings exhibit unfailing adherence to the
     rule of law. Her opinions reflect careful attention to the facts of
     each case and a reading of the law that demonstrates fidelity to
     the text of statutes and the Constitution. She pays close attention
     to precedent and has proper respect for the role of courts and the
     other branches of government in our society. She has not been
     reluctant to protect core constitutional values and has shown a
     commitment to providing equal justice for all who come before her.
     (emphasis added)

   Having now read dozens upon dozens of Sotomayor's opinions and other
   decisions in which she joined, I think this is a defensible summary of
   Judge Sotomayor's record on the bench (though reasonable people could
   also reach a somewhat different conclusion). What I wonder, however,
   is what percentage of the 1,100-plus signatories to the letter are
   sufficiently familiar with her record to have reached an informed,
   expert judgment?

   I am sure many academics have spent the last several weeks poring over
   Sotomayor's work, and that many such folks signed the letter. But I am
   also quite confident that some of those who signed the letter have not
   read more than a case or two, and based their judgment on news reports
   and other second-hand information. For some, I suspect, merely
   receiving a solicitation from a colleague (or from the AFJ) to support
   a liberal president's liberal nominee was sufficient.

   The whole point of a law professor letter is to establish
   authoritative support for a particular position. It communicates the
   message that presumed experts have come to a reasoned, and presumably
   authoritative, conclusion that non-experts should heed. In this case,
   the position espoused is not merely that Judge Sotomayor should be
   confirmed -- a view which most law professors almost certainly share
   -- but also that her opinions demonstrate certain, specific
   characteristics that are desirable as a judge. The underlying claim
   may be true. Yet I doubt all 1,100-plus signatories took the time to
   assure themselves of this fact before lending their names, and the
   authority of their positions, to the letter.

   Let me be clear that my concern is not with the substance of the
   letter. [4]I do not oppose Judge Sotomayor's confirmation and believe
   that reasonable people could well conclude that her record support's
   the letter's claims. I assume that many signatories and those who
   solicited signatures are familiar with Judge Sotomayor's record. I
   also have little doubt that most all of those on the letter would
   support Judge Sotomayor's confirmation even after reading every jot of
   writing she's ever produced. My concern is that some legal academics
   appears willing to place their political preferences ahead of their
   academic integrity and would sign such a letter before confirming, for
   themselves, that everything the letter says is actually true. [5]This
   is not the first time I've expressed this concern. Unfortunately, I
   doubt it will be the last.



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