Posted by Eugene Volokh:

   An exchange between the majority and the dissent in [1]Norwood v.
   Vance, decided yesterday by the Ninth Circuit. The issue:

     Defendants claim the district court erred by refusing to give the
     following jury instruction:

     In considering whether defendants were deliberately indifferent to
     the need for outdoor exercise, the jury should consider that
     defendants had a competing obligation under the Eighth Amendment to
     ensure the safety of prisoners, including protecting prisoners from
     each other. In considering these factors, you should give deference
     to prison officials in the adoption and execution of policies and
     practices that in their judgment are needed to preserve discipline
     and to maintain internal security in a prison.

     The district court initially agreed to the language but, after
     plaintiff objected, declined to include it on the ground that
     �deference� was �undefined.�

   Part of Chief Judge Kozinski's argument for the majority:

     The district court declined to give the proposed instruction
     because the meaning of deference would not be �clear to a lay
     person.� But �deference� is not Urdu or Klingon; it is a common
     English word. See, e.g., Michael Crichton, Airframe 78 (1996)
     (�[S]he certainly knew where all the bodies were buried. Within the
     company, she was treated with a deference bordering on fear.�). It
     may be true that deference has varied meanings, Dissent at 8515 n.
     4, but so do most English words. If the district judge believed the
     term needed further context or definition, he could have provided

   Part of Judge Thomas's dissent:

     The majority criticizes the trial judge on this point, contending
     that deference is a commonly understood lay term, and could not
     have been confusing. However, its citation of language in the novel
     Airframe illustrates the problem. Instructing a jury to give prison
     officials deference, if deference commonly �borders on fear,� is
     not a correct application of the law and would have amounted to
     directing a verdict in favor of the government. Even in our sterile
     legal environment, deference comes in varietals, such as Chevron
     deference, Skidmore deference, and sardonic deference. See, e.g.,
     Massiah v. United States, 377 U.S. 201, 208 (1964) (White, J.,
     dissenting) (�With all due deference, I am not at all convinced
     that the additional barriers to the pursuit of truth which the
     Court today erects rest on anything like the solid foundations
     which decisions of this gravity should require.�). And, of course,
     there is more than one breed of institutional deference relevant to
     this case. See, e.g., McCord v. Maguire, 873 F.2d 1271, 1274 (9th
     Cir.1989) (correctly noting that we must be �mindful of the
     deference due the verdict of a jury�) (citation omitted). Here, the
     trial judge quite rightly concluded that to give an instruction
     that mixed legal standards and, in effect, told the jury to layer
     deference upon deference, was not appropriate -- particularly when
     the judge had already given an entirely proper instruction on the
     topic. (I must, however, acknowledge that the majority is quite
     correct in intuiting that, unsurprisingly, there is no Klingon word
     for �deference.� See generally Marc Okrand, THE KLINGON DICTIONARY
     (Star Trek 1992)).

   Thanks to commenter Dave N for the pointer.



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