Posted by Jonathan Adler:
Before *Ricci*, There Was *Thomas Jefferson University*:

   One criticism of Judge Sonia Sotomayor regarding the Ricci case is
   that her decision to join an unpublished summary disposition of the
   case showed a lack of judgment. If the Supreme Court found the case
   cert-worthy, some argue, then it was certainly worth more than a
   one-paragraph, unpublished summary order, right? Perhaps. Cases
   disposed of by unpublished summary orders or opinions rarely involve
   weighty or controversial issues, or questions of first impression.
   They tend to be the more straight-forward cases, or else involve
   peculiar fact patterns that are unlikely to recur. So these are not
   the sort of cases one would expect to go up.

   Supreme Court review of unpublished summary orders is rare � usually
   not more than one or two a term, if that -- but it�s not unheard of.
   One example that I�m surprised I have not seen discussed elsewhere
   (although it was just brought to my attention) is [1]Thomas Jefferson
   University v. Shalala, 512 U.S. 504 (1994), in which the Supreme Court
   reviewed an unpublished order, issued without opinion, by the U.S.
   Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. As with Ricci, the panel
   included a future Supreme Court nominee (Samuel Alito) and the Supreme
   Court divided 5-4. In this case, however, the panel�s opinion was
   affirmed, and the line-up was decidedly non-ideological. Justice
   Kennedy wrote the majority opinion, joined by Chief Justice Rehnquist
   and Justices Blackmun, Scalia, and Souter, Justice Thomas dissented,
   joined by Justices Stevens, O�Connor, and Ginsburg.

   Are the cases distinguishable? I think so. At the time the Third
   Circuit rendered its judgment in Thomas Jefferson, it�s not clear the
   judges had any reason to see the case as particularly significant. It
   did not address a hot button or politically contentious question nor
   was there yet a circuit split. It�s hard to fault judges for not
   recognizing the potential importance of a lawsuit challenging the
   Secretary of Health and Human Services� interpretation of the
   anti-redistribution principle embodied in §413.85(c) of the
   regulations governing Medicare reimbursement for hospital providers.
   Contrary to the suggestion in Justice Kennedy�s opinion for the Court,
   the Third Circuit�s opinion came out several weeks before the U.S.
   Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit went the other way.

   Does the fact that Judge Alito joined a summary order that the Supreme
   Court both found worthy of review and divided closely over indicate
   that too much is being made of Ricci? Yes and no. It�s easy to make
   too much out of a single case, and there�s much more to Judge
   Sotomayor�s record than Ricci. One case should not make or break a
   nomination, and his involvement in the Thomas Jefferson University
   case (had it received attention at the time) would hardly have
   suggested Judge Alito did not merit confirmation.

   I think the Second Circuit�s handling of Ricci merits criticism (and
   [2]felt this way before Judge Sotomayor was nominated to the Supreme
   Court), but [3]do not feel it justifies opposing her confirmation. It
   was easy to see Ricci was an important and difficult case from day
   one. Indeed, [4]Adam Liptak�s reporting suggests the judges themselves
   had difficulty with it. Perhaps the facts that made it a tough case
   justified disposing of it with a non-precedential order, but (as I�ve
   [5]noted before) this can�t explain the panel�s subsequent decision to
   publish its summary opinion once Judge Cabranes called for en banc
   review. At that point there was no longer any question that the case
   merited greater consideration than a single paragraph.

   The Second Circuit�s handling of Ricci merits criticism, but it should
   not be overdone. Judge Sotomayor made the wrong call here, as did two
   of her colleagues. But this is revealed by the details of the case,
   and not just the Supreme Court�s subsequent review and reversal. Even
   the best appellate judges may fail to appreciate how the Supreme Court
   will view a case. And finally, it's clear Ricci is receiving more
   attention because of what it's about, than because of how it was
   handled below. If a case involving §413.85(c) had been handled
   precisely the same way, it's entirely possible most of us would still
   not have heard about it.



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