Posted by Randy Barnett:
Sotomayor Again Misstates Fundamental Rights Doctrine:

   As she did yesterday, Sotomayor asserted that a right is "fundamental"
   if it is "incorporated" against the states via the 14th Amendnent
   rather than that a right it incorporated against the states if it is
   fundamental. She then claimed that Supreme Court precedent established
   that that the Second Amendment is not incorporated. This too is
   inaccurate. As Justice Scalia stated in Heller, the precedents
   refusing to apply the Second Amendment to the states (on which
   Sotomayor's panel relied in Maloney) did not address the modern
   "fundamental rights" doctrine. Judge Sotomayor's panel in the Second
   Circuit said nothing about the merits of the claim that the individual
   right to bear arms meets the modern test for identifying a fundamental
   right. Here is the relevant portion of [1]the transcript

     SOTOMAYOR: In the Supreme Court's decision in Heller, it recognized
     an individual rights to bear arms as a right guaranteed by the
     Second Amendment, an important right and one that limited the
     actions a federal -- the federal government could take with respect
     to the possession of firearms. In that case we're talking about
     The Maloney case presented a different question. And that was
     whether that individual right would limit the activities that
     states could do to regulate the possession of firearms. That
     question is addressed by a legal doctrine. That legal doctrine uses
     the word fundamental, but it doesn't have the same meaning that
     common people understand that word to mean. To most people, the
     word by its dictionary term is critically important, central,
     fundamental. It's sort of rock basis.
     Those meanings are not how the law uses that term when it comes to
     what the states can do or not do. The term has a very specific
     legal meaning, which means is that amendment of the Constitution
     incorporated against the states.
     COBURN: Through the 14th Amendment.
     SOTOMAYOR: Through -- and others. But the -- generally. I shouldn't
     say and others, through the 14th. The question becomes whether and
     how that amendment of the Constitution, that protection applies or
     limits the states to act. In Maloney, the issue with -- for us was
     a very narrow one. We recognized that Heller held -- and it is the
     law of the land right now in the sense of precedent, that there is
     an individual right to bear arms as it applies to government,
     federal government regulation.
     The question in Maloney was different for us. Was that right
     incorporated against states? And we determined that, given Supreme
     Court precedent, the precedent that had addressed that precise
     question and said it's not, so it wasn't fundamental in that legal
     doctrine sense. That was the Court's holding.

   This is both a grossly incorrect (and empty) understanding of the
   doctrine governing the protection fundamental rights and an inaccurate
   statement of the precedents concerning the incorporation of the right
   to keep and bear arms into the Due Process Clause of the Constitution.
   To be clear, a court COULD take the position, as did Judge Easterbrook
   in the Seventh Circuit, that a Circuit Court of Appeals is not
   entitled to consider the fundamentality of the right to keep and bear
   arms under modern Due Process Clause doctrine in light of the Supreme
   Court's ruling in Heller because Nineteenth Century precedent said
   that the Second Amendment does not apply to the states--even though
   those precedents implicitly involved the Privileges or Immunities
   Clause. But, unlike the Seventh Circuit, the Judge Sotomayor's panel
   simply ignored this issue altogether. And of course the Ninth Circuit
   did consider this modern doctrine and concluded that the right to bear
   arms IS fundamental.



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