Posted by Jonathan Adler:
Conservatives for Rent - "Brown Bailout" Edition:

   Fed-Ex and UPS are embroiled in a nasty political fight. In short, UPS
   is seeking legislative changes that will increase FedEx's regulatory
   and labor costs. Specifically, UPS wants to force FedEx to be covered
   by the National Labor Relations Act, as UPS is, rather than than the
   Railway Labor Act. FedEx is currently under the latter because it
   priamry replies upon air shipping. UPS is primarily a ground carrier,
   so it falls under the NLRA. Unions also support the shift, as it would
   likely increase unionization within FedEx.

   Many conservatives have been critical of UPS' campaign (see [1]here
   and [2]here). At least one conservative group, the [3]American
   Conservative Union, also appears to have sought support for a campaign
   in support of FedEx, only to shift sides when its request was turned
   down. [4]According to The Politico, ACU sent met with FedEx officials
   and sent them a [5]letter seeking over $2 million to fund a
   "grassroots" campaign against the so-called "Brown Bailout." "We have
   reviewed your concerns regarding the NLRB and we believe we could
   strongly support your position," the letter said.

   Apparently FedEx wasn't buying. So the ACU jsut turned its energies to
   other important issues, right? Within weeks of seeking money from
   FedEx for the anti-UPS effort, ACU Chairman David Keene joined other
   conservative activists signing a [6]letter bearing the ACU logo that
   attacked FedEx for calling the pro-UPS policy proposal the [7]"Brown
   Bailout." Labeling what UPS seeks as a "bailout" is improper, the
   second letter said, because "UPS was not seeking any taxpayer funds --
   only regulatory reform that would insure equal treatment of both
   companies under our nationʼs labor laws."

   Bailout, shmailout. Whatever one calls it, UPS is engaging in special
   interest rent-seeking. While they don't seek tax dollars, their
   desired reforms would increase shipping costs for consumers, so we'd
   still be stuck paying for it. If UPS really wants "equal treatment,"
   they should seek regulatory relief, perhaps a shift of UPS from NLRA
   to RLA jurisdiction, instead of asking the government to knee-cap a

   As for ACU, it's one thing for activist organizations to seek support
   from organizations with common interests. So, for instance, there is
   nothing wrong with an anti-tax organization seeking money from
   corporations to fight increased taxes that could harm those
   corporations' interests. To the extent that such organizations can
   raise funds to support some campaigns and not others, this will
   inevitably influence a group's priorities, but does not necessarily
   compromise its principles. What is so unseemly here is ACU's apparent
   about face, from eagerly supporting FedEx's position to attacking the
   company's clever PR campaign, just after it failed to secure financial
   support. This sort of thing damages a group's credibility, and rightly


   7. file://localhost/var/www/powerblogs/volokh/posts/

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