Posted by David Bernstein:
Daniel Levy's Defense of Human Rights Watch:

   You can read it here. Levy writes:

     The apparent trigger for this assault on a group that represents
     the global gold standard in human rights monitoring, analysis, and
     advocacy, was a visit by HRW's Middle East-North Africa director,
     Sarah Lee Whitson, to the Saudi kingdom. I happened to find myself
     on a panel at The Century Foundation discussing the Middle East
     with Whitson just days before this storm broke -- I went back and
     watched tapes of that panel discussion. To accuse Whitson of being
     soft on the Saudis or somehow singling out Israel for criticism is
     quite astonishing as I'm sure you'll agree if you take ten minutes
     to listen to her presentation -- of that, more in a moment.

   Okay, so I listened. If you have any illusions about HRW's neutrality
   re Israel and its neighbors, you should to.

   Whitson had a fifteen-minute presentation. She spends approximately
   three minutes and thirty-five seconds describing Israel's alleged
   violations of international law and human rights. Her presentation of
   the relevant facts and relevant international law is tendentious in
   the extreme. She accuses Israel of apartheid. She consistently refers
   to the wars in Lebanon and Gaza as "Israel's wars," even though,
   obviously, they were fought against foes that were launching
   cross-border attacks against Israel's civilian population and which
   declare themselves to be at war with Israel. She accuses Israel of war
   crimes, including "indiscriminate" bombing of South Lebanon, which,
   given the law civilian casualty in the second Lebanon War--even
   Hezbollah puts the total in the high hundreds, while Israel says low
   hundreds out of a population of hundreds of thousands--from a nation
   with one of the most powerful air forces in the world, is absurd.

   And after Whitson's several minute-long exhaustive survey of Israel's
   alleged sins, she spends approximately twelve seconds on Hamas and
   Hezbollah, and this is the total of what she said: "of course there
   are also violations of international humanitarian law by the armed
   groups that are fighting Israel, namely Hamas and Hezbollah, but of
   course there are armed groups that have been in conflict with them
   [sorry this isn't coherent--ed.]. And that's something Human Rights
   Watch has documented." That's it. After the exhaustive list of
   Israel's alleged crimes, no mention of suicide murders, indiscriminate
   (really indiscriminate) lobbing of missiles by both Hezbollah and
   Hamas into Israel, or the kidnapping and murder of Israeli soldiers.
   No mention of Hamas's reign of terror against Christian Palestinians,
   Hezbollah's threat to democracy in Lebanon, no mention of Islamic
   Jihad at all, no mentions of the Syrian and Iranian state sponsorship
   of terrorism, and so forth and so on.

   She then spends several more minutes criticizing U.S. aid to Israel,
   Egypt, and Jordan, with additional specific criticisms of Israel
   thrown in, and suggests the U.S. should be nicer to Hamas and less
   supportive of Fatah.

   And note that this was a speech to an American audience. God knows
   what she said in Saudi Arabia. And God knows what she thinks
   privately, as opposed to what she reveals publicly. Somehow Levy
   hasn't persuaded me that this speech shows that Whitson doesn't single
   out Israel for criticism.

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