Posted by Ilya Somin:
"Exploitation" of the Poor is No Reason to Ban Organ Markets:

   The arrest of Brooklyn Rabbi Levy Izhak Rosenbaum for trying to broker
   the sale of a kidney has [1]rekindled public debate over the
   possibility of legalizing organ markets. This is an issue I teach
   every year in my Property class. Each time, one of the most common
   objections raised is the claim that organ markets must be banned
   because they will lead to "exploitation" of the poor. Obviously, the
   exploitation argument is often raised elsewhere as well.

   There are several major problems with the argument: it is inconsistent
   with allowing poor people to engage in far riskier activities for pay;
   it doesn't even begin to prove that the "exploitation" will be bad
   enough to justify the deaths of thousands of people for lack of
   organs; it also overlooks the fact that poor organ donors are likely
   to benefit from organ markets. Finally, even if all these points are
   unpersuasive, the exploitation argument still can't justify banning
   organ sales by the nonpoor as well. I. Poor People Are Allowed to Take
   Much Greater Risks for Pay.

   Many organ market critics may be unaware of the fact that the risks of
   donating a kidney (the main proposed organ market) are actually very
   small. As the [2]National Kidney Foundation explains, people who have
   only one kidney can live normal lives with only minor added health
   risks, and a life expectancy equal to that of those with two kidneys.
   For those who sign advance contracts to donate their kidneys after
   they die, even these minimal risk are not present.

   If it is somehow wrong to allow poor people to assume these very minor
   risks in exchange for pay, why should they be allowed to brave vastly
   greater dangers for money? Military personnel, firefighters, police
   officers, and others take far greater risks than kidney donors do, and
   are paid to do so. Should poor people be banned from entering those
   professions? NFL players (most of whom come from poor backgrounds)
   risk very serious injuries. On average, they [3]lose about 2-3 years
   of life expectancy for every season they play. Yet no one argues that
   poor people should be banned from professional football. If it is
   permissible to "exploit" poor people for the sake of providing
   entertainment to football fans, shouldn't we be able to do so for the
   sake of saving thousands of lives? II. Is Preventing "Exploitation" so
   Important that it Justifies Killing Thousands of People?.

   As Virginia Postrel explains in [4]this article, some 80,000 lives per
   year in the US alone could be saved by legalizing kidney markets. Even
   if you find the "exploitation" of poor people in organ markets morally
   repugnant, you have to ask whether following that moral intuition is
   so important that it justifies sacrificing all those lives. So far, I
   haven't seen any argument that even comes close to showing that it is.

   In this context, it's worth noting that banning kidney markets is
   actively killing people, not merely the possibly lesser of offense of
   merely letting them die by refusing to help. When the US government
   bans organ markets, it uses the threat of force to prevent dying
   people from engaging in voluntary transactions to get what they need
   to survive. Those who disobey are imprisoned, as Rosenbaum probably
   will be. The government would obviously be guilty of active killing if
   it used force to prevent a starving man from buying from willing
   sellers food that he needs to survive. And it could not excuse the
   killing merely on the grounds that some of the sellers were poor
   people who were being "exploited." III. Organ Sales are Actually Good
   for Poor Donors.

   Given the minimal risks of organ donation, it is highly likely that
   kidney markets will actually benefit poor donors far more than they
   could conceivably harm them. The logic isn't complicated. After all,
   one of the main problems that poor people is lack of money. Getting,
   say, $100,000 for a kidney in exchange for accepting a very small
   health risk is likely to leave a poor donor much better off than he
   was before. Indeed, I might well accept that deal myself, despite
   being relatively affluent. Perhaps the existence of poverty is a
   morally repugnant injustice. If so, we should be extremely reluctant
   to ban transactions that might help the poor to alleviate it.

   If the poor person reasonably believes that the risk is worth it, I
   don't see why the government should force her to choose otherwise.
   Obviously, it's possible that she will miscalculate, underestimating
   the potential harms. Perhaps that justifies regulations requiring the
   provision of accurate information about health risks to donors. But it
   surely doesn't justify a categorical ban - especially given that the
   risks of donation are minor and relatively easy to understand. If poor
   people can be trusted to make decisions about whether or not to accept
   the much greater dangers of military service, firefighting, or playing
   in the NFL, we should also trust their judgment about organ markets.
   Indeed, if ill-informed decision-making is really the problem, it
   would justify banning unpaid organ donations by the poor no less than
   sales. After all, an unpaid donor could misunderstand the risks just
   as easily as a paid one. IV. The Exploitation Argument Doesn't Justify
   a Ban on Organ Sales by the Nonpoor.

   When I teach this issue in Property class, one suggestion I sometimes
   throw out to people who raise the exploitation issue is the
   possibility of limiting organ markets to nonpoor sellers. Wouldn't the
   "problem" be solved by passing a law allowing organ markets, but
   limiting them to donors whose annual income exceeds some threshold
   (e.g. - the poverty line or the national average income)? Given that
   we have 300 million people and only need about 80,000 additional
   kidneys per year, a market that excludes the bottom 50% of the income
   distribution could still probably generate enough organs to eliminate
   the shortage, or at least a large part of it.

   In my experience, those who raise the exploitation argument almost
   never endorse this proposal - despite the fact that it would eliminate
   any possible exploitation of the poor without killing thousands of
   innocent people (as the categorical ban on organ markets does). Few of
   them raise any technical policy objection to it. They simply seem find
   the idea intrinsically distasteful. Nonetheless, if your main
   objection to organ markets really is the fear of exploitation of the
   poor, you should at least give the idea some serious thought. If, on
   the other hand, the exploitation argument is just a rationale for some
   other objection such as intuitive repugnance at the mere thought of
   organ sales, then we would have a better discussion if you admit that
   and focus on the real object of your concern.

   NOTE: I should mention that in class, I assign readings on both sides
   of the issue and don't simply lecture in defense of my own view. I
   also don't present my objections to the exploitation argument as
   thoroughly as I have here. The classroom environment is very different
   from the blogosphere and imposes different obligations on academics.



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